When clicking on a paragraph block in the Gutenberg editor, a blue border pops up surrounding the active block. This marker adds some padding on the inside, causing the paragraph width to decrease and the text to reflow.
This is not an issue with Gutenberg itself since it works just fine with the current default themes, e.g., Twenty Twenty-One.
]]>Wondering if there is a specific method used to merge multiple JS files together. I’ve been looking at site loading performance issues (specifically anything contributing to blocking time) and notice that a specific line in js_composer.min.js seems to contribute to a forced reflow.
The line pointed out is the first one below:
document.documentElement.className += " js_active ",
document.documentElement.className += "ontouchstart"in document.documentElement ? " vc_mobile " : " vc_desktop ",
function() {
for (var prefix = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", "-ms-", "-o-", ""], i = 0; i < prefix.length; i++)
prefix[i] + "transform"in document.documentElement.style && (document.documentElement.className += " vc_transform ")
This is actually the first line in the js_composer.min.js file, but when grouping by MMR, it ends up behind a lot of other JS code. It made me wonder if it would be more efficient to have it at the top of the file.
I guess maybe I could add this file to the exclusion list and see if it makes any difference.
]]>Vertical scrolling content at a width equivalent to 320 CSS pixels;
Horizontal scrolling content at a height equivalent to 256 CSS pixels.
When my screen is smaller than 800 pixels scrolling is required to view content. My paragraphs will not wrap text and my images are not responsive. I have tried media queries with numerous CSS override tricks such as FlexBox, word-break, word-wrap, and have played with margin adjustments but nothing is doing the job. If someone would please help me understand how I can adjust my CSS to achieve reflow to meet my very important WCAG 2.1 standard. Thank you.
]]>I have an issue with lazyload reflow. How can I prevent content reflow?
I searched for it and found something to do that, for example, set default images for src tags like this:
<img src="" data-src="IMAGE'S URL MUST BE LOADED WITH LAZY LOAD" alt="Lazy loading test image" />
How can I add this feature to your plugin? I wanna set a default image before it has been loaded with lazyload to prevent reflowing.
I really wanna use your plugin but this issue make our website ugly.
]]>RE: https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow
I made the following change in ml-slider\inc\slider\metaslider.class.php. In the get_container_style() function, I replaced:
$style = "max-width: {$this->get_setting( 'width' )}px;";
$style = "max-width: {$this->get_setting( 'width' )}px;max-height: {$this->get_setting( 'height' )}px;";
This change eliminates the browser reflow that occurs when the MetaSlider plugin slideshow is displayed by the browser. This change works in my case with my slide show. There may be other changes required to prevent browser reflow if different MetaSlider options are selected.
Thank you!
]]>I am having an issue with text reflowing next to images on certain pages. Here’s a link that shows what I’m referring to:
I am using a plugin called “Column Shortcodes”, and this issue only happens when I put an image and it’s corresponding text block inside the same column. The reason I couple the image sand text together, is that if I don’t, when viewing the site on a mobile device, the 3 images on the page show up one after the other and the 3 text blocks below the images. How can I prevent this?
]]>Since the update to 1.2, thumbnails appear for a second as the page loads, stacked vertically at left of screen, before reflowing into their proper galleries. Not a huge issue, but a bit jarring for the viewer.
I will play with all three update issues to see if I can fix any of them.