Also, it’s a JavaScript crash so it needs to be fixed regardless:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: SV_WC_Payment_Form_Handler_v5_12_1
]]>quick-edit.min.js?ver=9.2.3:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: inlineEditPost is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (quick-edit.min.js?ver=9.2.3:1:71) at HTMLTableSectionElement.dispatch
]]>at b ( at Suspense at W ( at div at div at $r ( at div at sw ( at lw ( at dw ( at w ( at ta ( at ea ( at at at WithSelect(Component) ( at at O ( at I ( at a ( at at at at at at Ta (
]]>On our wordpress-installation, we are using a custom orderId (with prefix) that breaks the custom javascript code located in “duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/integration/woocommerce.php” starting from line 678.
That has been added to functions.php custom code to change orderid from (int) type “12345” to a mixed datatype “OnlineShop-12345”:
add_filter('woocommerce_order_number', 'change_woocommerce_order_number', 1, 2);
function change_woocommerce_order_number($order_id, $order) {
$prefix = 'Onlineshop-';
$suffix = '';
return $prefix . $order->get_id() . $suffix;
Browser console is showing “Uncaught ReferenceError: Onlineshop is not defined” … Here is the code rendered in frontend from GTM4WP:
<script type="text/javascript" id="gtm4wp-additional-datalayer-pushes-js-after">
/* <![CDATA[ */
// Check whether this order has been already tracked in this browser.
// Read order id already tracked from cookies or local storage.
let gtm4wp_orderid_tracked = "";
if ( !window.localStorage ) {
let gtm4wp_cookie = "; " + document.cookie;
let gtm4wp_cookie_parts = gtm4wp_cookie.split( "; gtm4wp_orderid_tracked=" );
if ( gtm4wp_cookie_parts.length == 2 ) {
gtm4wp_orderid_tracked = gtm4wp_cookie_parts.pop().split(";").shift();
} else {
gtm4wp_orderid_tracked = window.localStorage.getItem( "gtm4wp_orderid_tracked" );
// Check whether this order has been already tracked before in this browser.
let gtm4wp_order_already_tracked = false;
if ( gtm4wp_orderid_tracked && ( Onlineshop-214355 == gtm4wp_orderid_tracked ) ) {
gtm4wp_order_already_tracked = true;
// only push purchase action if not tracked already.
if ( !gtm4wp_order_already_tracked ) {
dataLayer.push({"event":"purchase","ecommerce":{"currency":"EUR","transaction_id":"Onlineshop-214355","affiliation":"","value":140.42,"tax":22.42,"shipping":0,"coupon":"","items":[{"item_id":"U3818","item_name":"Plom 113","sku":"113s","price":118,"stocklevel":null,"stockstatus":"instock","google_business_vertical":"retail","item_category":"Zubehoer","id":"U3818","item_brand":"Unbekannt","quantity":1}]}});
// Store order ID to prevent tracking this purchase again.
if ( !window.localStorage ) {
var gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire = new Date();
gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire.setTime( gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire.getTime() + (365*24*60*60*1000) );
var gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expires_part = "expires=" + gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expire.toUTCString();
document.cookie = "gtm4wp_orderid_tracked=" + Onlineshop-214355 + ";" + gtm4wp_orderid_cookie_expires_part + ";path=/";
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem( "gtm4wp_orderid_tracked", Onlineshop-214355 );
/* ]]> */
Fix would be, adding the orderid to quotes?
Thanks for helping with this issue!
]]>With the TitleRemove Plugins, TP generate the follow h1 tag, …
<h1 class="entry-title"></h1>
…that produce a big white space (line) between “page-header” in the “main” content div. When i activate DEBUG “Disable post container tags for post title“
then the white space problem is gone. good.
Bigger problem now, i become this JS error when i use the second language in frontend:
ReferenceError: trp_data is not defined
TRP_Translator /wp-content/plugins/translatepress-multilingual/assets/js/trp-translate-dom-changes.js?ver=2.6.1:16
and this warnings:
notice: TranslatePress trp-ajax request uses fall back to admin ajax. trp-translate-dom-changes.js:55:29 JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1
Then i found the plugin “compilianz” made this trouble with TP in combination. I had scan all cookies and refresh all configs. But nothing happend, JS error still exist. Whats wrong here?
I use WP 6.3.1 with Compilianz 6.5.3 and TP 2.6.1
]]>Here’s the text, copied from the console:
ReferenceError: wpdp_obj is not defined
at wpdp_refresh_5047 (wpdp_auto_script.js?ver=202308080801:23:20)
at wpdp_auto_script.js?ver=202308080801:166:3
wpdp_refresh_5047 @ wpdp_auto_script.js?ver=202308080801:23
(anonymous) @ wpdp_auto_script.js?ver=202308080801:166
Didn’t notice any functional issues associated with this but it displays repeatedly in the console when I’m logged in as admin and in the dashboard.
]]>First of all, let me thank you for a great plugin.
I’m not able to find out how to get rid of these two errors on my website. And I’m honestly also not sure if they are related to your plugin or the Simply Static plugin because it’s happening just on a static website, a website with a live WP is errorless.
First one: [Error] SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: unmatched parentheses (anonymous function) — Invalid regular expression: unmatched parentheses
Second one: [Error] ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: aop_around; Global Code — Can’t find variable: aop_around
aop_around(document.body, 'appendChild');
Plugin settings:
Let me know with any suggestions you might have or which details you need to know while identifying the problem.
Thank you in advance for your help.
]]>can u help us out, why the player dont load the streams?
Error: Uncaught ReferenceError: streamWeaselsVars0000 is not defined
wp-content/plugins/streamweasels-twitch-integration/public/dist/streamweasels-public.min.js?x33789 line 90 > eval:1
Are u having a affiliate-programm? We like to put u at our partner-list if u like:
Best greatings,
I’ve noticed an error given at the analysis that’s related to the plugin. The particular error, which appears under the “Best practices” section, states the following:
ReferenceError: on is not defined at
I tried deactivating the plugin and testing the website again and the error disappeared, although when the plugin was activated again the error remained.
Here’s the piece of code that’s showing the error, as per the developer tools of the browser:
<script id="wpcp_css_disable_selection" type="text/javascript">
var e = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
if (e)
e.setAttribute('unselectable', on);
I hope this helps find a solution to the issue, thanks a lot in advance!
]]>We suddenly started getting the error message “ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: Stripe” a couple weeks ago on our website.
It doesn’t seem to have affected the functionality of and payments on our website, but it pops up on Mobile only at the moment.
I’ve double checked and ensured that the Stripe plugin and Woocommerce plugins are up to date.
Can you please assist?