F.e.: if I just add wp-content
, this is totally ignored!
So what is the right schema?
]]>I have a custom post called case studies. These case studies have categories, a featured image and several ACF fields that I need to be able to access through REST. I’ve created a custom REST API endpoint for my case studies as such:
* Case Study REST API Endpoint
* *************************************************/
function caseStudyEndpoint( $request_data ) {
// setup query argument
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'case-study',
'posts_per_page' => -1
// get posts
$posts = get_posts($args);
// add custom field data to posts array
foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
$posts[$key]->acf = get_fields($post->ID);
$posts[$key]->link = get_permalink($post->ID);
$posts[$key]->image = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post->ID);
$posts[$key]->categories = wp_get_post_categories($post->ID);
return $posts;
// register the endpoint;
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'case_study_endpoint/v2', '/case-studies/', array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'caseStudyEndpoint',
Through this endpoint I can easily access all the fields, including featured image, ACF and categories.
In addition, I have an ACF block called Related Case Studies, which has a number of relationship fields that link to case studies. From that block, I can also retrieve the ACF for the related case study, as well as the categories, image and such. I’m able to accomplish this thanks to this recursive snippet.
* ACF, Image and Category Data in Post Object Response
$types = ['post', 'page', 'case-study'];
foreach ( $types as $type ) {
add_filter( 'acf/rest_api/'.$type.'/get_fields', function( $data, $response ) use ( $types ) {
if ( $response instanceof WP_REST_Response ) {
$data = $response->get_data();
array_walk_recursive( $data, 'deepIncludeFields', $types );
return $data;
, 10, 3 );
function deepIncludeFields( &$item, $key, $postTypes ) {
if ( isset( $item->post_type ) && in_array( $item->post_type, $postTypes ) ) {
$item->acf = get_fields( $item->ID );
$item->image = get_the_post_thumbnail_url($item->ID);
$item->categories = wp_get_post_categories($item->ID, array( 'fields' => 'names' ));
So I am covered in being able to retrieve all my data for a case study by accessing the Case Study endpoint and I’m also able to retrieve all the data recursively from a relationship field while using my regular WordPressPage endpoint.
However, within the case studies themselves I am also hoping to have the Related Case Studies block, and to be able to access the data for other case studies recursively from there as well. But this isn’t working.
I know I’m very close, and the solution might be to use a different WP filter for my recursive ACF function, or something. Basically the ACF Recursion is missing within the Case Study Custom post endpoint.
Any thoughts?
]]>I know using the recursive functions is not a traditional way of coding for many of web developers, but sometimes it is a very useful way for solving problems. Some web developers say that recursive functions increase resource utilization on servers and are not good ideas in practice. Is it true?
I want to use a recursive function in my plugin but I don’t know is it allowed to use recursive functions in WordPress plugins or not?
I still get alerts for subdirectories in /wp-content/cache/.
]]>echo do_shortcode(‘[fileaway type=”table” base=”3″ recursive=”on” thumbnails=”permanent” onlydirs=”‘.$elgruppi.'” paginate=”true” pagesize=”5″ textalign=”left” hcolor=”blue” color=”red” iconcolor=”blue” searchlabel=”CERCA”]’);
The problem is that the files in subdirectories of the “onlydirs” are not shown.
I can see only the files in main directories.
Can you help me?
The current version of Seo Image Optimizer is replacing the alt and title tags good.
Bug there is a loop bug/ recursive bug in this:
For every extra image in the post, it repeats the image title or tags in the alt text.
Post with 4 images. 2 tags and 1 category
Replacement is defined as: %tags, %category
Result is:
image 1:
alt = tag1, tag2, category1
alt = tag1, tag2, category1, tag1, tag2, category1
alt = tag1, tag2, category1, tag1, tag2, category1, tag1, tag2, category1
Loop on line 175 of option-panel.php contains an error. It adds the properties of the post to the existing variable every time the loop continues with every image.
Can you fix this?
]]>I have a large Memo File Away setup on an internal website with old memos sorted away by Year -> Month and we have noticed that when using the search function it is only searching files in the current directory and not into sub-directories.
Is there an option to have it search the folders recursively rather than just the current directory? Or should I setup a separate File Away with all files without directories and have users search that? Just hoping to get pointed in the right direction on this.
We have something like 3000 memos over the course of 10 years so top level searching is rather important at this point.
Thanks for the help ahead of time!
]]>https://www.promomasters.at/blog/ ->Canonical https://www.promomasters.at/blog -301 https://www.promomasters.at/blog/
Problem: the Blog-settings only allow https://www.promomasters.at/blog . I manualy changed that – but WordPress returns to https://www.promomasters.at/blog (without slash in the end)
I was searching Yoast database if I could delete or change the Canonical for the start page – but there is no. In that case other people should also see the problem when they connect to Onpage.org.
Thanks, Michael
]]>1. How can I translate this plugin to spanish?
2. How can I manage recursive tasks?
]]>To do that, I can’t just move all the images into one directory and load it, I’ve actually had to move the old structure 2009/01…12 – 2010/01…12 – 2011/01…12 etc.
Is there any way to point the plugin at the top level parent and have it recursively load the images? It’s really hard to keep track of what’s been done and where to go next short of writing it all out on paper and crossing it off as I go.