Quisiera usar mi cuenta de MercadoPago para un sitio web con Woo Subscription, pero me sale que el plugin no tiene habilitado los pagos recurrentes. Busqué en el foro y veo que hace a?os mencionan que lo van a agregar. Quisera saber si están cercanos a lanzar esta opción, para saber si espero o si mejor uso otra pasarela.
]]>It uses “WPS Paypal Payment” and it is supposed to be well configured.
My worpdress version is 6.1.
This is the product in which I am doing the tests.
Thank you very much.
]]>The transaction and everything appears processiong such as at the official guide.
Thanks for your time.
]]>I want to display a list of all future events, with only the first instance of a recurring event showing. I have set up the following shortcode but it is not working correctly:
[eme_events paging=1 show_recurrent_events_once=1 scope=future ]
With this shortcode, all instances of recurring events are showing. If I take out the ‘paging=1’ parameter I only get a single page of events, even though there are several pages worth.
Is this a bug or am I missing something?
The website is not public so I can’t link to the page in question.