I have subscribers that post products to sell and I created the form so that the subscribers receive contacts, only that only the administrator of the site receives the email. Is it possible to configure the plugin to send the contact to the subscribers with a copy to the admin?
Thank you
]]>I have read the forums and examples but cannot seem to find an explanation.
Everything is filled out, and i;m trying to avoid downloading anymore plugins that will cause the site to load slower.
The problem being I just dont received the email. Is there a workaround or do I need another plugin to aid this? I thought Contact Form 7 was solid!
]]>I have installed plug-in on website everything works great except when comment is sent i receive it in my gmail account like regular mail but comment is not showing up in my posts where it should be and i don’t get any notification in wordpress dashboard that comment is recived to approve it or otherwise – it seams that wordpress dasn’t register that comment is sent at all.
I have created site from scratch i did not use any theme so i wonder do i have to register this plug-in somehow in my functions.php file – did i miss something ?
I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you
]]>I checked my settings and I have selected the option for private posts. I thought another plug in might be affecting it working called post levels so I deactivated it. I then tried a test post and it still was not notifing users of a new post posted.
So I am confused about where the problem lays. I have checked everything I can think of. To add I am sure its working in some way as when I set it up I used the send a message section, to message everyone to let them know. I know this sent OK.
Please help me, I am totally stuck! Thank you.
]]>Yes, the check-box is checked to “notify me of comments.” My email addresses match up. I have added [email protected]. I’ve changed the line in pluggable.php to “$from_email = ‘[email protected]’; ” and NOTHING has worked.
Is this a wordpress bug? Am I going crazy? Is this host related? I use YAHOO HOSTING. Is it them I should be on the phone with?
I’ve spent 2 weeks reading everything I can find on this issue – I am incredibly frustrated and would really appreciate some help! I’ve seen nothing here on wordpress but 10 unresolved threads but no solutions.
Hopefully this won’t be #11.