<link rel="icon" href="https://.../wp-content/uploads/rcl-uploads/avatars/cropped-1-32x32.png" sizes="32x32" />
<link rel="icon" href="https://.../wp-content/uploads/rcl-uploads/avatars/cropped-1-192x192.png" sizes="192x192" />
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="https://.../wp-content/uploads/rcl-uploads/avatars/cropped-1-180x180.png" />
<meta name="msapplication-TileImage" content="https://.../wp-content/uploads/rcl-uploads/avatars/cropped-1-270x270.png" />
Где и как их можно удалить ?
Монитор 404 постоянно их показывает
]]>inside .col-1 of my blog-entries grid here:
as you can see in the .col-1 I got the thumbnail and not the original size, infact the image inside col-1 is grainy.
is there a way to implement this?
]]>I’m currently running WordPress from a localhost because this is my first time building a website, and I’m testing it before I upload it to my site.
I’ve added a box for Authors to fill in for their Instagram ID. I then am trying to add this widget to an Author Page Template through the php file.
By using <?php echo $curauth->instagramid; ?>
I am able to recall the ID each Author added. It works just by itself, but when I try to add it to the shortcode of this widget like so:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[instagram-feed id="<?php echo $curauth->instagramid; ?>"]');?>
The widget simply keeps loading, and never shows anything. I’ve set up the plugin properly, and it even works when I put in the ID itself rather than trying to recall it.
Is there something I’m doing wrong, or something I missed in the directions or FAQ? If you need anymore information please let me know. I have ever intention of purchasing this widget once I place the website online. Thank you so much.
]]>I’m wanting to have a table on my site that allows me to see the sub directory, blog id and mapped domains in a table.
So far I’ve got how to show the blog id and directory from main domain, but can’t get the recalling mapped domains bit right.
I’m using the main domain mapping plugin.
The code I use to recall the current info is as follows:
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM hh_blogs");
echo "<table border='0'>
<th>Blog ID</th>
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row['blog_id'] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $row['domain'] . "" . $row['path'] . "</td>"; }
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
I want to recall the relevant domain(s) in the third column from hh_domain_mapping.
You can see what I’ve done at
You need to login first though at
(If you don’t login you’ll get bounced to the clients page)
Thank you
]]>For example, this generic situation:
I have to manage a virtual cart, and i need to add a small thumbnail image of each product next to the item name.
In the <IMG> tag, the SRC url of a thumbnail image is stored in a sub-table of wordpress database (generated by a plugin).
Whatching the database with phpmyadmin I know the name of the field, but how can I recall this url from the database?
]]>I was almost done with a post and accidentally deleted a massive chunk of it (CTRL-X…don’t ask), before I realized what happened, WP automatically saved a draft with the chunk missing and “Undo” when I right-click didn’t bring back the text. I have not actually ever pressed the “Save Draft” button. They’ve all been auto saved.
Question is: can I recall a version of an auto-saved draft…one that WP saved automatically with me pressing anything? There are no “post revisions” listed for this post yet, as it hasn’t been officially saved as a draft or otherwise. Seems like these auto-saves should be somewhere.
Can anyone help?
Thanks so much.