Ongoing problem is that the feed never updates. I go in once a day and manually clear the cache. But that’s minor compared to displaying “There are no objects in this facebook feed.” on my client’s home page.
]]>I’d give this 1,5 stars for occassionally somewhat working (which sadly is in my experience more than most of the Facebook plugins for WordPress can offer) but between the two alternatives I’m unsatisfied enough to round it down to a one-star review. Stuck with this one until someone develops an actually working Facebook plugin.
]]>The following error occurred during authentication:
This site is already authenticated. Please re-authenticate if you want to change the Google Analytics profile.
And there is not any alternative for reAuthentication.
I have removed MonsterInsight apps from my google apps accesses too, no result .
any advise how remove my domain which stored in monsterinsight database ?
“It seems the authentication for the plugin has expired or the connection to Google Analytics is blocked, please try re-authenticating with Google Analytics to allow the plugin to fetch data.”
How can “the connection to Google Analytics” be blocked? I am not consciously blocking it in my .htaccess, so why do I get this message?
]]>Now I am stuck in a loop where after deauthenticating, the orange screen comes up, I click that link and am re-authenticated to the account, with no chance to enter new information for the new Dropbox destination.
How do I break out?