I am also planning on using RT Media for posting videos in Activity but have not yet tested if it works with video as well?
]]>Self-hosted WordPress site through GoDaddy (https://www.enodoglobal.com/)
Plugin installed and activated.
Syndicate: all posts
Transmit categories: all categories
Address: https://enodoglobal.wordpress.com/
Authentication: OK.
Remote API: WordPress 4.1-alpha-20141011.
Please help me successfully remedy this failed re-post issue.
]]>I am looking for a plugin that allows one to promote an old post by letting you easly re-post it.
I know I can change the pub date so that it appears is the latest post again, but I think this is a little troublesome and takes too long. There has to be an easier way?
]]>I’m usin’ the wordbooker plugin which is great. The only thing I don’t understand is the re-posting option. I might get this wrong but here is what i excpect:
I write a post on my wordpress blog and the wordbooker plugin transports the pot to my facebook fanpage, which is great.
Now: When I edit a post, because of any mistakes or to put more information into it, I excpect the wordbooker plugin to update the post (overwrite) on the fb fanpage as well.
I thought for this reason I have to check the option:
Force Re-Publish Post to Facebook on Edit (overrides republish window)
What happens is, that there is a new post on my facebook fanpage. If I uncheck the option there’s no new post but no update post either!?!?!
Do I misunderstand this option? Is there a way to reach my aim???
I’m usin wordbooker version 1.8.21
I would be happy if someone could ive me a resolve for that! Thank’s!
]]>FYI, you can see what I am talking about on my Facebook page. You will see my profile pic on one post and below it you will see pics from the stories I posted. It looks like this started happening after September 8th. https://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Color-TV/211530912702?ref=ts
]]>I’m wondering if there are any plug-ins that allow me to see how many times my blogpost has been tweeted, re-posted and liked?