So for example we can add a boolean expression in the visibility field to only show content to members with level ID 3 OR admins:
in_array( 3, rcp_get_customer_membership_level_ids() ) || current_user_can( 'manage_options' )
Very handy and works really well.
Thank you!
]]>I told RCP Support not to recommend this plugin based on my experience thus far.
]]>I have membership levels set up on my site. All good there. I have a product (a fee entry for an event) on Woo Commerce. Anyone can buy this ‘product’ however I would like to ONLY offer my members a discount. This is where my problem lies. I create a coupon code via Woo Commerce and select the RCP members that coupon is applicable to under ‘ RCP Member Discounts’ and also select at the bottom ‘Active members only Check this box to allow only active members to use this coupon. Useful for preventing other buyers from using it manually.’
Here’s what happens, if a member logs on, all is good, the code gets automatically applied before checking out, even if I enter the code manually it works. However if not a member and click to add product to basket, the discount is not automatically applied, which is good also BUT IF I enter the code into the code box it gets accepted! I don’t want this to happen because if a non-member finds out the code then they can get the discount applied and it is only for my members (because I want to give special treats to my members!!).
What do I need to do?
Also, it may be worth mentioning that after I have ticked the options in the ‘RCP Member Discounts’ tab and clicked button update. If I return back to it later, as edit coupon, all the boxes are showing unchecked. ???
Can anyone offer some light at the end of tunnel?
]]>[22-May-2023 13:01:57 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'mywebsite.wp_rcp_memberships' doesn't exist for query SELECT * FROM voUS_rcp_memberships m INNER JOIN voUS_restrict_content_pro r
ON m.object_id =
WHERE m.status = 'active' AND m.disabled = 0 AND m.gateway IN ('free','manual')
AND r.price = 0 AND m.customer_id NOT IN (
SELECT customer_id FROM wp_rcp_memberships WHERE status = 'active' AND gateway NOT IN ('free','manual') and disabled = 0 GROUP BY customer_id
) made by do_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_stellarwp_telemetry_send_data'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry_Subscriber->send_telemetry_data, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry->send_data, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry->get_send_data_args, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Data_Providers\Debug_Data->get_data, WP_Debug_Data::debug_data, apply_filters('debug_information'), WP_Hook->apply_filters, RCP_Telemetry->add_rcp_info_to_telemetry, RCP_Telemetry_Info->total_free_customers
[22-May-2023 13:01:57 UTC] WordPress database error Table 'mywebsite.wp_rcp_memberships' doesn't exist for query SELECT m.customer_id FROM wp_rcp_memberships m
INNER JOIN wp_rcp_customers c ON m.customer_id =
WHERE status IN ('expired','cancelled') OR m.customer_id IN (
SELECT m.customer_id FROM wp_rcp_memberships m INNER JOIN wp_restrict_content_pro r
ON m.object_id =
WHERE m.status = 'active' AND m.disabled = 0 AND m.gateway IN ('free','manual')
AND r.price = 0 AND m.customer_id NOT IN (
SELECT customer_id FROM wp_rcp_memberships WHERE status = 'active' AND gateway NOT IN ('free','manual') and disabled = 0 GROUP BY customer_id
GROUP BY m.customer_id; made by do_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_stellarwp_telemetry_send_data'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry_Subscriber->send_telemetry_data, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry->send_data, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Telemetry\Telemetry->get_send_data_args, RCP\StellarWP\Telemetry\Data_Providers\Debug_Data->get_data, WP_Debug_Data::debug_data, apply_filters('debug_information'), WP_Hook->apply_filters, RCP_Telemetry->add_rcp_info_to_telemetry, RCP_Telemetry_Info->total_no_membership_customers
]]>Every time I try to update the plug in it totally crashes the site – help please.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "RCP\PUE\Provider" not found in /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/vendor/lucatume/di52/src/tad/DI52/Container.php:484 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/src/Tribe/Container.php(288): tad_DI52_Container->register('RCP\\PUE\\Provide...') #1 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content/core/includes/class-restrict-content.php(196): tribe_register_provider('RCP\\PUE\\Provide...') #2 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content/core/includes/class-restrict-content.php(185): Restrict_Content_Pro->__construct() #3 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content/core/includes/class-restrict-content.php(117): Restrict_Content_Pro::setup_instance('/homepages/35/d...') #4 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/restrict-content/restrictcontent.php(242): Restrict_Content_Pro::instance('/homepages/35/d...') #5 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(307): RC_Requirements_Check->bootstrap('') #6 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(331): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #7 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-includes/plugin.php(476): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #8 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-settings.php(461): do_action('plugins_loaded') #9 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-config.php(88): require_once('/homepages/35/d...') #10 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-load.php(50): require_once('/homepages/35/d...') #11 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/homepages/35/d...') #12 /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/index.php(17): require('/homepages/35/d...') #13 {main} thrown in /homepages/35/d4296289446/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/common/vendor/lucatume/di52/src/tad/DI52/Container.php on line 484
Just dropping by to let you know that the plugin Restrict Content Pro is not being recognized by your plugin as being installed and active on the website.