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Would it be something i am doing wrong?
Thanks in advanced for any feedback
]]>When I changed over to your theme, a random dropdown appeared on the home page that I can’t seem to remove. If I click on it, nothing happens. I don’t know where it came from or how to get rid of it.
You will find this under the first main picture on the left. The dropdown is entitled “About Healthy My Choice”.
Also, I included the following in a different post. I still need help with this as well:
How do I change the hyperlink color and add an underline? Right now my hyperlinks are black with no underline unless I hover. Hovering only makes the underline show up but does not change the text color. I added the CSS code provided in this forum, but nothing changed. Here’s the code I added to CSS that did not work:
.single .entry-content p a {
color: #295912;
text-decoration: underline;
Please advise.
]]>This is displaying at the top of my page and I have no idea how to get rid of it.
]]>I want to send random generated code in an autoresponder mail of contact form 7 to the users.
First, user will fill the form and then he/she gets an email of his filled form and some random code in it
Is this possible with the contact form 7 plugin.
Please help me regarding this.
]]>We are getting a random “Save” code appearing on multiple WordPress websites after you save a post. It appears in the wsywig area once you go back in to edit again. We thought at first it might be a hack code of some sort, however we have had it appear on multiple websites now that are not related to each other at all – so different domains, themes, plugins, etc. Here is the actual code that is appearing:
<span style=”border-radius: 2px; text-indent: 20px; width: auto; padding: 0px 4px 0px 0px; text-align: center; font: bold 11px/20px ‘Helvetica Neue’,Helvetica,sans-serif; color: #ffffff; background: #bd081c no-repeat scroll 3px 50% / 14px 14px; position: absolute; opacity: 1; z-index: 8675309; display: none; cursor: pointer;”>Save</span>
It has happened on a site in the regular wsywig section and it is happening on another site in Visual Composer. It appears in every single Visual Composer “text block” element you create(likely because those use the WordPress wsywig – so the wsywig is the constant.
The sites we are finding it on have security in place, and one of the sites is actually a brand new development site that is not public yet and only has 3 pages built out, so highly unlikely that it’s a hack issue.
Does anyone have any insight into where this code is coming from?
]]>1. cannot login to dashboard (refresh but cannot see dashboard) No password error
2. cannot access restore or dadabase files
Thanks in advance,
has an example. The code is: ‘ + ” ); }
]]>This plugin is working really well, but there is a feature I would like to see included in a future update if possible..?
Let’s say I have added 6 accounts to each of the social networks just as an example.
1. would it be possible to add a random 6 digit numeric code to the end of the titles prior to posting.
2. what about for each network, the option to randomly select the number of accounts to use and randomly select which accounts to use..?
Just a couple of ideas that I think would be useful.
Cheers Steve…