I do have an issue with wordpress not showing the radio buttons at the woocommerce check out page. Further the product picture is shown twiche and the prices are running out of the box… :/
I am working with Elementor to edit the page, within Elementor the form is displayed correctly without the issues mentioned above.
I do have the issue running the site on firefox and edge browser.
Any Ideas how to solve the isue?
Best regards,
]]>maybe I could do the same in the total element even if it seems complex to manage everything with only ifs.
I have not found how to add the logic of an element with multiple checkboxes/radiobuttons. For example i have a checkbox element with 3 boxes, and every one of this change the price..
Second: I think I found a bug related to radio button fields. The ‘blank’ value from the pods dropdown-element is appearing as an extra radio button option in GF.
steps to reproduce:
create field in pods, set type to simple manual relationship with two text values,
in advanced choose radio buttons.
now in GF forms, link the feed, add the radio button field and link up on the pods page.
The form will update and show three radio buttons instead of two, the first radio button will have the label “– selected –”
if you change the field in pods to a dropdown field, and edit the ‘unselected’ value to something else, and then back into a radio button field, the edited value will appear on the spot where “– selected –” was in the form.
]]>I have this common issue: i have a list of radio buttons like
[radio Colors use_label_element "Red" "Blue" "Yellow" "Green"]
with display:block (so the buttons are among each other)
if i submit the form without a selection i will get an error message for each radio button
Is it possible to get just one error message for the buttons “family”?
Best regards
I know I need to add some code to CSS field, but I have no clue what to put for our Theme. Would somebody please help? Thank you.
]]>Here is the editing area: “
[contact-field label="Gender" type="radio" required="1" options="Male,Female"/][contact-field label="Comment" type="radio" required="1" options="New,Renewing"/]
What do i need to add to the text editing data to help make the arrangement nicer.?
Cheers for any help.
]]>I have a little problem with the form.
No matter if I choose Checkboxes or radio buttons, the boxes are not facing the right lables as you can see there : https://www.prodywood.com/quotation/
Anyone knows how to fix it ?
Thanks in advance !
If I click box 1 it selects choice 3
I can’t click box 2 or 3 at all
Not working at all
I also can’t get the size to change using:
]]>o Ich komme.
o Ich komme nicht.
Besteht die M?glichkeit das Formular so aufzubrechen, dass ich noch einen Freitextfeld dazwischen packen kann? Beispiel:
o Ich komme mit ___ Personen.
o Ich komme nicht.
]]>Would it be possible to tell me which file needs editing in order to align the radio buttons horizontally?
Many thanks,