Your name [text* your-name] Your email [email* your-email] Subject [text* your-subject] Telephone (Optional)[tel Tel]
What do you want to contact us about?
[radio R-Reason use_label_element default:1
"I have items I want to donate to the museum|[email protected]"
"I want to organise a group trip to the museum|[email protected],[email protected]"
"I am interested in sponsoring the museum|[email protected] "
"I am interested in volunteering at the museum|[email protected]"
"I need help with some research|[email protected]"
"Report a website issue|[email protected]"
"Enquiry about the shop|[email protected]"
"Hiring handling boxes|[email protected]"]
[submit "Submit"]
[group CF-Reason5]
Please tell us how we can help you with your research
[textarea* T-Research]
[group CF-Reason6]
What website problem(s) are you experiencing? Please state problem page(s) and what platform (Windows, iPhone, Android etc) you are using
[textarea* T-WebProb]
[group CF-Reason1]
What items would you like to donate?
[textarea T-Artefacts]
[group CF-Reason2]
Which group do you represent?
[text* T-GroupName]
[group CF-Reason3]
Which organisation do you represent?
[text* T-DonorOrgName]
[group CF-Reason7]
What handling boxes would you like and when?
[textarea* T-HandlingBoxes]
[group CF-Reason4]
What sort of volunteering are you interested in?
[checkbox C-Vol-type use_label_element "Stewarding" "Admin assistance" "IT assistance" "Trusteeship" "Museum management" "Other"]
[group Stewarding-Message]
Which days are you available?
[checkbox C-Days-Available use_label_element "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Saturday"]
What is your age?
[radio R-AgeRange use_label_element default:1
"Not specified"
"Under 18"
"Over 25"]
Additional information (optional) [textarea your-message]
[quiz quiz-615 "SPAMBUSTER: What county is this museum in?|Surrey"]
]]>The site is using the latest version of WordPress and plugin (1.36.2)
php info
PHP SAPI cgi-fcgi
PHP max input variables 1000
PHP 180 time limit
PHP memory limit 1024M
Maximum entry time 60
Maximum file upload size 128M
PHP post max size 512M
Also added to the post that I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the Hubspot integration several times
2nd Update:
Investigating a little more, I noticed that the information is not sended correctly to Hubspot because”Property values ??were not valid” However, I think I have the custom fields created correctly
3r Update and Close:
Closing Thread I was able to solve it, Necessary was: Create custom fields in hubspot with a single selectable button The fields, both in their private and public values, must be the same as they are in Forminator They must not have “-” or special characters.
I have five different radio buttons fields, each with one option and a figure. In this way I am not able to select a radio button independently from the others. I mean, when I choice one the others should turn off. Is there a solution to fix it?
Thanks in advance
]]>Anyway, I was testing ACF plugin and utilised the Radio button and started adding choices.
Unfortunately, I needed to update a few choices after applying them to my products and I expected the plugin to auto-update in real-time in the Product’s front end.
I cleared all cache and still see the older choices and not the updated one.
Could you share on how to display the newest choices?