How can i solve this??
Any ideas?
]]>Here is the code one can grab from an option that the plugin allows (very clever by the way). From that I can figure out that the link to the polish flag is missing (it doesn’t show properly simply). Howver I cannot find this snippet of code in the plugin code itself. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
[enabled_languages] => Array
[0] => en
[1] => fr
[2] => pl
[default_language] => en
[detect_browser_language] => 1
[hide_untranslated] =>
[auto_update_mo] => 1
[hide_default_language] => 1
[url_mode] => 1
[language_name] => Array
[de] => Deutsch
[en] => English
[zh] => 中文
[fi] => suomi
[fr] => Fran?ais
[nl] => Nederlands
[sv] => Svenska
[it] => Italiano
[ro] => Roman?
[hu] => Magyar
[ja] => 日本語
[es] => Espa?ol
[vi] => Ti?ng Vi?t
[ar] => ???????
[pt] => Português
=> Polski
[gl] => galego
[locale] => Array
[de] => de_DE
[en] => en_US
[zh] => zh_CN
[fi] => fi
[fr] => fr_FR
[nl] => nl_NL
[sv] => sv_SE
[it] => it_IT
[ro] => ro_RO
[hu] => hu_HU
[ja] => ja
[es] => es_ES
[vi] => vi
[ar] => ar
[pt] => pt_BR
=> pl_PL
[gl] => gl_ES
[not_available] => Array
[de] => Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf %LANG:, : und % verfügbar.
[en] => Sorry, this entry is only available in %LANG:, : and %.
[zh] => 对不起,此内容只适用于%LANG:,:和%。
[fi] => Anteeksi, mutta t?m? kirjoitus on saatavana ainoastaan n?ill? kielill?: %LANG:, : ja %.
[fr] => Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en %LANG:, : et %.
[nl] => Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in %LANG:, : en %.
[sv] => Tyv?rr ?r denna artikel enbart tillg?nglig p? %LANG:, : och %.
[it] => Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in %LANG:, : e %.
[ro] => Din p?cate acest articol este disponibil doar ?n %LANG:, : ?i %.
[hu] => Sajnos ennek a bejegyzésnek csak %LANG:, : és % nyelv? változata van.
[ja] => 申し訳ありません、このコンテンツはただ今 %LANG:、 :と % のみです。
[es] => Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en %LANG:, : y %.
[vi] => R?t ti?c, m?c này ch? t?n t?i ? %LANG:, : và %.
[ar] => ????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??? ?? %LANG:, : ? %.
[pt] => Desculpe-nos, mas este texto esta apenas disponível em %LANG:, : y %.
=> Przepraszamy, ten wpis jest dost?pny tylko w j?zyku %LANG:, : i %.
[gl] => Sentímolo moito, ista entrada atopase unicamente en %LANG;,: e %.
[qtranslate_services] =>
[use_strftime] => 3
[date_format] => Array
[en] => %A %B %e%q, %Y
[de] => %A, der %e. %B %Y
[zh] => %x %A
[fi] => %e.&m.%C
[fr] => %A %e %B %Y
[nl] => %d/%m/%y
[sv] => %Y/%m/%d
[it] => %e %B %Y
[ro] => %A, %e %B %Y
[hu] => %Y %B %e, %A
[ja] => %Y年%m月%d日
[es] => %d de %B de %Y
[vi] => %d/%m/%Y
[ar] => %d/%m/%Y
[pt] => %d de %B de %Y
=> %d/%m/%y
[gl] => %d de %B de %Y
[time_format] => Array
[en] => %I:%M %p
[de] => %H:%M
[zh] => %I:%M%p
[fi] => %H:%M
[fr] => %H:%M
[nl] => %H:%M
[sv] => %H:%M
[it] => %H:%M
[ro] => %H:%M
[hu] => %H:%M
[ja] => %H:%M
[es] => %H:%M hrs.
[vi] => %H:%M
[ar] => %H:%M
[pt] => %H:%M hrs.
=> %H:%M
[gl] => %H:%M hrs.
[flag] => Array
[en] => gb.png
[de] => de.png
[zh] => cn.png
[fi] => fi.png
[fr] => fr.png
[nl] => nl.png
[sv] => se.png
[it] => it.png
[ro] => ro.png
[hu] => hu.png
[ja] => jp.png
[es] => es.png
[vi] => vn.png
[ar] => arle.png
[pt] => br.png
[gl] => galego.png
[flag_location] => plugins/qtranslate/flags/
[ignore_file_types] => gif,jpg,jpeg,png,pdf,swf,tif,rar,zip,7z,mpg,divx,mpeg,avi,css,js
[cookie_enabled] => 1
[language] => en
I am new on this and need some help.
I have created my website and installed WordPress. The site are pages without “Sidebar”, and the blog pages as “Blog”.
It happens that the language menu is on the sidebar of the blog (English and Portuguese), but not on the site pages (no sidebar in there). How can I solve this?
This is the website:
I would appreciate any help.
Teresa M.
Hopefully someone can finally help me – have been posting this on various blogs for a while now.
I am using the minimatica theme for a website: !
I would like to offer content in English (main), Spanish and German.
BUT everytime when I activate the qtranslate plugin the front page images disappear… The front page images are the feature images set in the posts. Since the qtranslate plugin makes 3 posts, I am sure it messes something up in the php so that images don’t display anymore…
I just don’t know enough about php (yet) to fix it… I tried some suggestions from other sites that talked about changing the functions.php and I even downloaded and installed another plugin called “Multiple Post Thumbnails” – nothing worked (and I caused a site error by messing with the functions.php and had to go into Cpanel to fix it)…
any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I am trying to install the qTranslate plugin on a new website I’m doing for someone else. We’re using the Minimatica theme. Website:
The thing is, once the plugin is activated, the front page (home page) pictures don’t show up. The minimatica theme shows the latest posts as pictures / slideshow on the front page. As soon as the plugin is activated they disappear.
I am pretty new to css/ php and I am not sure if that’s an issue I have to fix within css/ php?? What would I have to do?
I would appreciate some help!
]]>I also get this message when editing a page:
‘The qTranslate Editor has disabled itself because it hasn’t been tested with your WordPress version yet. This is done to prevent WordPress from malfunctioning. You can reenable it by clicking here (may cause data loss! Use at own risk!). To remove this message permanently, please update qTranslate to the corresponding version.’
I was about to hand over this site to the client and although I maybe shouldnt have upgraded I have never had a problem with upgrading WordPress.