Hallo WooCommerce Benutzer. Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Plugin oder L?sung wie ich der Lagerverwaltung zu den Produkte den Einkaufspreis für die ben?tigte Bilanzierung hinzufügen kann. Ich habe schon unz?hlige Plugins ausprobiert aber immer noch keine L?sung gefunden um den EK-Preis zu pflegen und bei Bedarf ein bilanzierbare Inventur aus der Datenbank raus zu lassen. Schon mal vorab vielen Dank für alle Tipps.
]]>Before applied new version when I input 52000 purchase price for product, it will be displayed 52.000. Now when I input 52000, purchase price will be displayed 52.000,000000
the purchase-price fields are only visible by admins, not by shop-manager. This would mean, that shop-manager can create new products, but admins had to edit the purchase price. Is this correct?
Thanks a lot in advance
Sunny greetings from Marbella
Is it planned to add provider(s) name/provider SKU/purchasing price of each product?
This would allow us to create an orders for each supplier and know what products and quantity to order (huge tiem saver)…
]]>It might be an idea to use or somehow import the “Purchase Price” from the Woocom cost of goods plugin if it is installed / has cost prices present.
Otherwise we and others who use the COG plugin will have to maintain cost prices in two separate places…
Plugin is very light and generates reports surprisingly fast, integrates without any problems on our woo-commerce store with more than 5k products.
Wish list:
Option to Calculate the profit from price inclusive of tax.
Ad more customization options
Ad more reports and graphs
Ad option to see profit generated from certain customer.
Export to CVS option
I need to enter the purchase price of the products to then be able to see the real margins in the reports. Is it possible ?
Sorry for my bad english, I use the google translator !