-When uploading the VIDEO file, if I hit the cancel upload button, everything stucks and buttons disappear.
-After video or image upload finish and I hit submit button, nothing happens. The button stays active for some time and if I lose my nerve I hit it again and therefore I get two posts published instead of one.
(The problem with the second published post is that it doesn’t have media files attached. In the meta table, there is no row with that activity id.)
I am working on a custom project where I need this to be resolved.
If you are not able to resolve it any time soon, I will need to write my own custom solution.
]]>when the plug-in Polylang is active i can’t publish any post, i tryied to disable it and i can publish normally
What is the problem?
Thank you so much
Best regards
I’m running a multi-author website, and I’m wondering if there is a way to allow specific user(s) by role to have the capability JUST to schedule a post, and not to publish it.
I’ve tried to disable the “publish_posts” capability for a specific role, but this result in having just the “submit for review” option.
Thank you in advance for your help.
]]>Any thoughts on the cause?
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