Thank you so much for adding back the work-around for the current WP bug on the edit_published_posts when post status is “Published”. I really really appreciate it b/c an important project I’m working on won’t work or move forward without that fix. So thank you! In the meantime, looks like WP may be releasing the patch in 5.4 (hoping).
That said, I can’t tell, but I think the work-around for this in PublishPress Capabilities v1.9 (latest as of today) may have implemented a new issue where an Author can’t unpublish a post, or set the post from Publish to Draft status.
I may be mistaken, but wanted to bring it to your attention to double-check and maybe you can let me know if that’s the case or if it’s something else.
Thanks so much again. Huge appreciation.
]]>We don’t want our authors to be able to publish content (limited wordpress know-how and an in-house content approval process – their posts must first be approved by an editor). However, this means when they create a post, they cannot specify a date (as we have removed the publish_posts capability). Ideally we would like them to somehow be able to define a post date as this date would also be displayed in our editoral calendar (Edit Flow Plugin).
Is there a way to allow the definition of a post date without the publish_posts capability?
]]>Is it possible to have the following setting? I want to set a user for both of the followings:
1. Write a post draft, but can’t publish (so only has “Submit for Review” button).
2. Edit his own published posted (done by his own account), but still can’t update live, can only “Submit for Review” after edit
So I’ve turned off “publish_posts”, and turn on “edit_published_posts”. But then I find can do (1) above, but for (2), they are able to update published post directly and publish live.
How can I change the setting to what I want? Thanks.
]]>i have a custom page, where i allow registered user to write new posts.
after they hit submit, they are taken to the post they just submitted and have the chance to edit the design, custom fields, content and everything…
now i want to put a button in my sidebar, that lets them publish the post, when they are satisfied with the result.
at this point, every custom field and every content is already transmitted over ajax. so all this button needs to do is to change the post_status from “private” to “publish”…
i have something like that in the sidebar:
if (get_post_status(get_the_ID()) == 'private') {
<form id="publish">
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>" name="post_id"/>
<input type="submit" value="Ver?ffentlichen" tabindex="6" id="submit" name="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-warning"/>
if ($_POST) {
and on the other side, the imm_publish_project() looks like this:
function imm_publish_project() {
$post = array(
'ID' => $_POST['post_id'],
'post_status' => 'publish',
which does nothing… i guess, the
all my users have the “publish_posts” cap…
what am i missing?
]]>However if they attach a .pdf document to the email, when the administrator approves their post the link to the .pdf file is broken.
I have tried editing the role capabalities but it doesn’t seem to help, The default Author can publish .pdf attachments, as it seems publish_posts allows .pdf publishing by email, but i need to proof all posts by email before being published.
Any help would be much appreciated.
]]>What i want to do ?
I want to write some posts for customers, and then let them choose what they want to publish or not without the possibility to edit them. (It is really important that they cannot edit the different posts)
What i tried ?
I tried to use the plugin “user role editor” by creating a role “toto” which have “publish_posts” and “read” caps.
What happenned ?
In the Dashboard the “Posts” menu disappeared and “toto” can’t access the list of the different posts to publish them.
Please tell me there is a solution (even if i have to use something else than user role editor)
Note : Sorry for my english, it’s not my native language…
]]>We do have one problem though; our users cannot set the status of a post (we have set up 5 custom statuses) unless they also have the publish_posts capability. The publish box just displays the usual ‘Save Draft’ and ‘Submit for Review’ buttons.
In our workflow, content can only be published by a senior editor, so we have removed the publish_posts capability from our contributors using the Members plugin.
I’ve tried disabling other plugins and it hasn’t worked. I looked at the JavaScript on the post page where it configures EF, and the statuses are included there.
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Any help would be much appreciated.