Is it possible to add ads to the player that will be before each video that plays?
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]]>I would like to make some home page grids static in order to use them for publicity.
I would like to know how to modify the CSS of the theme to make this possible because I am not able to use plugins.
My webpage is
]]>I have been trying to make a custom post to add the banners, I also tried adding them with a widget but I keep facing the same problem. Every time a new post is “posted” everything gets pushed down. Even the widgets on the secondary aside and I need them to stay on the same place even if more dynamic content like posts keep increasing.
You can view the site here “” (I’m still working a few details).
Besides that I need to put different adds on the different categories, but all on the same place. I manage to do that with CSS but the thing that is making me crazy is that I have no idea how to stop everything from moving down once a new post is published.
Thanks in advance.