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But the problem still exists.
Maybe probably only by using child themes? If I switch back to the parent theme (the latest built-in WordPress theme at the moment: Twenty Twenty-Four), the redirection not only for my fresh (test) installation of WP is working, but also within the backend of WP? Sometimes I have to refresh my page within the backend to see not only a blank page …
Very, very strange.
Best, mtemp
]]>2.Add Woocommerce products that could be purchased by your customers.
3.Add Licenses linking protected content with Woo products, so when customer purchased above products will be given accessed to those content in their order email and order history.
4. Have a great day, any queries will be answered.
]]>I want the user to be able to purchase a passcode from the online store I am going to create and then be emailed it in the confirmation email. I am likely to have a few different pages that must be password protected, but I need to make sure that the password generated when a user purchases it only gives them access to the page for which they bought the code (i.e. not all of the other pages). The passcode should expire a certain amount of time after it is first used.
Is this all something that your plugin can do for me? If so, how would I go about doing it?
]]>I’m convinced this is an issue with Simple Membership, not VCWB.
]]>For the pages only accessible to the connected users, it would be nice to add in addition to the phrase “Login required to view this page. Please Login” a link to connect or the connection-form
What do you think ?
]]>It appears that Litespeed is caching the “enter password” page. So, once the password has been entered, Litespeed still serves the “enter password” page content rather than the version of the page with the actual contents.
I got it working by excluding the page from caching.
As far as I can tell, this limitation isn’t documented anywhere, though I could have missed it. Ideally, Litespeed would detect that a page is protected and either not cache it, or do some behind-the-scenes wizardry to cache both versions and serve the appropriate one. If that’s not practical, it would be good to document that protected pages must have caching manually disabled in order to work properly. That would save others from having to figure it out for themselves.
So, I think I’m OK, but wanted to document this for anyone else who runs into it, and to make sure the Litespeed devs are aware of the issue.
// Defines
define( ‘FL_CHILD_THEME_DIR’, get_stylesheet_directory() );
define( ‘FL_CHILD_THEME_URL’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() );
// Classes
require_once ‘classes/class-fl-child-theme.php’;
// Actions
add_action( ‘fl_head’, ‘FLChildTheme::stylesheet’ );
function customized_password_text($content) {
$before = ‘Password:’;
$after = ‘Zip Code:’;
$content = str_replace($before, $after, $content);
return $content;
add_filter(‘the_password_form’, ‘customized_password_text’);
function customized_prompt_text($content) {
$before = ‘This post is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:’;
$after = ‘Rates subject to positive residency verification before admission. <br/>Please enter your Zip Code in the box below.’;
$content = str_replace($before, $after, $content);
return $content;
add_filter(‘the_password_form’, ‘customized_prompt_text’);
Protected pages are not visible to logged-in users.
I just updated the plugin, but still the same.
It says “You need to login to view this content. Please Login. Not a Member? Join Us”.
I’ve been using your cool plugin for over a year and it started to happen recently, so I guess it’s not a plugin conflict but some general issue.
Please let me know about it. Thanks.