Or maybe this problem has already been solved?
]]>Proposal for improving the security of the plugin:
Option for posts to display:
Add PWA support (write about it) and AVIF
PS. This will allow you to use fewer plugins and your own code, reduce the likelihood of incompatibility
]]>Thanks in advance!
]]>I have a somehow inverted approach to this …. Can I place proposal interface as a form on frontpage? So that a user/guest can propose a project according to some form fields and text. Once recieved we as a team can review the proposed project and fx invite for a meeting > take notes > add to a contract template > specify further > and then have a fixed contract that all parties enter… Maybe integration over WooCommerce for online payments.
Idea is an investor site, where pennyless people can propose their brilliant patented ideas…
]]>Without accounts etc. This can be like a flag to cookies or something – if someone removes it for themselves, it’s difficult. It’s just a game
For example, admin can enable this option and choose after how many times a user will be blocked and for how many minutes.
For example, after five failed attempts, the user will be blocked for 10 minutes – he will not be able to start the test.
This will reduce “trial and error” methods to pass the test
I have set up a website from scratch using the basic twenty-one WP theme. Using this plugin I checked some basic options that are not available or need some tunning, for example:
1. – We cannot remove or change the size of the title for the “Files”, but in the case of the “Categories” we have to create a separate title. In other words, there is no logic for both drop-downs not to have the same type of configuration.
2. – When using the image module we have to add the CSS class
“.uagb-post-grid .uagb-post__image img {height: auto;} ”
Otherwise the images always get distorted if the browser is not at a full size, if it is tablet or other type of screen the image gets distorted, just add different types of image sizes and we will notice this defect.
3. – There is no drag-and-drop option to move the modules around easily, at least I can’t get it in the backoffice panel.
4. – We should have more options to access the configuration of date, author name, tags, categories, comments. For example, we can’t move separately to align left, center or right, each of these options, sizes, colors, etc.
5. – Access to top navigation menu configuration options;
6. – Access to at least one module option at the top that allows us to have featured images, related to the posts, and be able to configure how many images we want to have, the alignment or size of the featured images, with the link to each main post, with or without a title, etc.
7. – In the “Read more” option, if we align the text to the left, the button also follows this alignment. In the design that I want I don’t like to have the “Read more” button on the left side of the screen, it looks disproportionate, this option to align the button separately is missing, I had to add in the code “div.uagb-post__cta, span.uagb-post__comment {float: right;} ” However the button jumps out of the post box area.
8. – We should have options for the post title: uppercase, lowercase, capitalize.
9. – The “Exclude Current Post” function should take into account the posts that are already published in the previous modules, to not copy and publish the same posts just because we use a different layout. For example initially use only one central column, for 5 posts. Then below you change the layout and use 2 columns with 10 posts, these posts should not repeat the initial 5 posts.
Just like if we use images and titles for the layout at the top, it is illogical to repeat the same posts on the main page.
10. – I also didn’t like using the module with the post image in the background, the options are very limited and we can’t configure well what we want active or inactive and the alignment.
I hope you can improve/update in the next version to add some more options.
PS: For sure if you do a more user-friendly plugin, good SEO performance, with more settings to people can setup menus, footer, post header images, etc… I’m sure that your plugin will be successful among all WP plugins.
Regards, thanks
]]>I’m using the following code to create my Invoices number
add_filter('wpo_wcpdf_format_document_number', 'wpo_wcpdf_custom_invoice_number', 10, 4);
function wpo_wcpdf_custom_invoice_number($formatted_number, $number, $document, $order)
$milisec = date('u');
$lastdigit = substr($milisec, 0, 1);
if ($document->type == 'invoice') {
$formatted_number = date('ymd-Hi-s' . $lastdigit);
return $formatted_number;
How can I use something like that for the Proposal Invoices??