How it’s looking right now:
How I want it to be:
Best regards Giovanni
]]>Could you please provide any snippet if any or a config. solution for this.
]]>I’m going to go through my plugins and see if anything new is stopping it from working but not sure if its a js error or something, if anyone finds out before I’ve fixed it then any suggestions are welcome
Have some troubles on my product page. Want to have a slide function on the product view and remove the default gallery-thing underneath the image. When viewing one products different images.
Have been trying out hundreds of plugins and codes to get the the style on link 2. but I can not achive what I want. So i’ll try here to see if someone can help me with maybe a code or a plugin.
1. (my-site, default wordpress/woocommerce style)
2. (the product view I want to achive with pointers on the side and a counter underneath showing that you can view more product images).
Best regards.
Are there any options in Customizer or Storefront Powerpack to adjust this?
Thank you