I see messages in the mailbox I’ve designated for Postie to get emails from to post but somehow it is not processing them. When I manually click the “Process Email” button in the WP backend I get an empty page with no results or no feedback or errors.
How can I trouble shoot this and make sure Postie processes the emails in the mailbox?
Thank you
]]>after the last two firewall updates I got this error:
2025-01-12 02:19:02: Update der Firewall: PROCESS FILE: unexpected file contents: /home/www/…/uploads/fw_files_for_blog_1//secfw_data_4d40f7ad2a4b8006a57acae3bd7c9368.11.csv.gz hash:7207c3c59f207f234fe31b2bcb423bf9
Do I have to be concerned or will the firewall still work?
Is there anything I can do from my end to solve this error?
Best regards
]]>Is there a way to see if the process is still running ? It feels like it may be stuck at 53%.
I’d like to make sure that everything is ok because I have a strange problem with my dropdown user list not displaying all of my contributors of authors (I’m using wp_dropdown_users_args
to display the contributors.
Thanks !
PS : I have suggested a french translation if you want to add it !
]]>It is because of ocean extra plugin image resize process which is not working for external images that i use as feature image with help of Fifu plugin. What should i do with this error and how to resolve this without deactivating ocean extra plugin.
[29-Feb-2024 18:21:04 UTC] Ocean_Extra_Resize.process() error: Image must be local: https://scontent-bom1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t15.5256-10/419635531_1823342921464477_7630816935137148113_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=596eb7&_nc_ohc=dW9YhVdbXuMAX9jnDQ1&_nc_ht=scontent-bom1-1.xx&oh=00_AfA_3ORf8oIRz8juS9FHf5CinR3vCHCMpxiZ0JCgCeP–g&oe=65D906B5 [29-Feb-2024 19:18:30 UTC] Ocean_Extra_Resize.process() error: Image must be local: https://i.postimg.cc/FKJgzBzy/283863642-5327946987265435-4385570644494147982-n.jpg [29-Feb-2024 19:18:30 UTC] Ocean_Extra_Resize.process() error: Image must be local: https://i.imgur.com/RHWGYQt.jpeg
]]>Tengo un problema a la hora de procesar los pedidos con Woocommerce.
Sea el método de pago que elija, al rellenar todos los datos correspondientes, me salta el siguiente error:
“Error procesando el pedido. Por favor, intentalo de nuevo”
No se como hacer para resolverlo. Estoy perdido.
Para reproducir el error, basta con entrar a mi página, agregar cualquier producto, proceder al checkout, intentar finalizar compra y les saltara el error.
English traduction:
Hello! how are you?
I have a problem when processing orders with Woocommerce.
Whatever payment method you choose, when filling out all the corresponding information, I get the following error:
“Error processing the order. Please try again”
I don’t know how to solve it. I’m lost.
To reproduce the error, just go to my page, add any product, proceed to checkout, try to complete the purchase and the error will appear.
]]>This is very upsetting as the form involved a time-sensitive matter, it is hard to know how much damage this oversight has caused.
Would someone from NinjaForms please indicate it what their error was, and if they have a QA/QC process in place BEFORE they launch updates.
Thank you
]]>Two warnings about the process_form_shortcode.php file appeared on the home page of this website right above the form shortcode. We haven’t been working on this website so we’re not sure how this happened.
How can we fix this?
Thank you.
]]>After starting Backup, the pop-up screen got stuck in the “List media files” stage without any further progress.
Pressing Abort button removed the pop-up screen, but then the sticky notice “Everest Backup’s process is running” appeared in admin pages – it disappeared only after deleting plugins backup folders.
This renders the plugin to be unusable, please advise.
]]>I have Postie installed on a WordPress blog that I’m hosting for a client.
Due to some technical issues with Google I now have 70-80 emails that have “stacked up” in the posting queue. I managed to fix the Google-issues, but when I try to manually process the emails the blog loads for quite a while before reaching a timeout.
Is there any other way for me to process the emails that are in the queue so that the stacked up emails gets pushed out on the blog as posts?
I tried setting the amount of emails to be processed to 5 instead of “all”, but so far that has only caused the backend/Postie-settings-site to reload to an empty page.
Sidenote: I tried processing the emails a few days ago, and to my surprise my website host thought this was some sort of spam and promptly blocked the domain. This has been taken care of and the site is back up and running, but just thought I’d mention it.