– I cannot make any edits to events after first saving.
– The date of event defaults to day of submission of the vent
– The category reverts back to the first category created. (The Reunion event was the first used with ALumni, but when crating a new events and adding a category and selecting that (Study Skills) and saved, it reverts back to ALumni not Study Skills.
– Do I have to create a new host first, because the only choice for host in creating an event is Editor.
– The creating recurring events does not save (the events are a series of workshops each with its own title (resume,study habits, writing, etc.
“Spam Master blocked 1 spam & exploit attempts with real-time online scans. Spam Master buffer contains 79 entries.”
Firstly, how did it block 1 spam and exploit attempt if I installed it seconds ago?
Secondly, what does it meant that it “contains 79 entries”?
Does this mean it needs a paid license to keep working after we get 79 entries on our forms?
]]>Please advise asap
many thanks