We have a site (multisite configuration) runnig with a lot of maps and use pro-features to overlap maps. All worked fine. Now we noticed that the pro-features were broken. In the Backend the plugin noticed that pro-features were activated, but the features were disabled and the maps diddn’t show the overlapping.
So I tried to deactivate some newer plugins and fund that the Plugin “Backup Migration” by Migrate causes this behavior when activated. No clue on what side the problem causes and if it is easy to fix? But maybe you want to look into it together with the other plugin developer?
Thank you!
]]>We have purchased the license key for the WP Complete – Pro Features but we are facing a issue while activating the license key.
The error we are getting:
stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failurestream_socket_client(): Failed to enable cryptostream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://wpcomplete.co:443 (Unknown error)
The website is hosted on a Digital Ocean Droplet – Ubuntu 16.04 and we have the following packages installed:
Please let us know what can be done to activate the license key as we are stuck completely.
]]>Unfortunately email confirmation is only for pro. This is essential for a subscription form and should be for free as we already pay a fee to Stripe for each form submission
]]>Can I change “Before” and “After” texts ? I want them in french so it will be “Avant” and “Après”.
– Bryan G.
I would be very grateful if your could confirm that the following can be achieved:
1) Around 6 ‘Admin’ users to each have their own ‘Calendar’ or ‘View of a calendar’ just showing their entries, of which there are usually around 15 to 20 per day.
2) Each Admin user needs to be able to add Appointments by time (usually 30 mins to 1 hour duration) and this appointment is for them only.
3) All appointments for all users needs to be visible to a ‘Superuser’ who can edit/delete/add to ALL users Calendars.
4) Each ‘Appointment’ needs to include 4 fields: ‘AM’, ‘PM’ or ‘Timed’; Admin Clerk Name; Customer Phone Number; Address (free text)
Ideally each time an event is added for one of the Admin staff they would receive an email about the booking. But this is not essential at all.
Many Thanks
]]>I’ve just installed your free plug-in and it appears to be working fine. I like it but there are a few things it doesn’t do. Things that would require I get the Pro version, so I started digging around and I’ve got questions:
Here in the WP listing the ability to search “Product Variations” is listed as a pro feature but doesn’t really talk about how it works.
Variations aren’t addressed in the Pro Features section of your site. In fact, variations are listed in the “All Features” section, but again, there’s little clarity on how this works.
So the first question is which is correct?
Is this a standard feature or a pro only feature?
The second question is about functionality:
Lets say I sell sock and one product is called Pro Socks.
Now lets say I have variations for size (S, M, L, XL), color, (White, Green, Blue, Red and Black) and have included additional information in the variation description about ideal use (Great for soccer, Designed for space walkers, etc).
I assume a search for “Pro Socks” will give results for all variations of Pro Socks. But what if I search for “Pro Socks M” or “Pro Socks Green”? Will that produce a result for a specific variation?
Additionally, I’d like some clarity on weather or not variation description content would also searched. So if I search “Space Walker”, would all the product variations we sell for space walkers come up in the results?
Does that make sense?
I look forward to hearing back and appreciate your time.