I am using HD Quiz and noticed that only the Next button is available — the Previous button seems to be missing. Is there an option to enable or add a Previous button before the Next button in quizzes?
Screenshot 1: https://prnt.sc/QIOlMd4z-Sg5
Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/fw9NLGJfJBDf
]]>I chose the Hueman theme a few days ago. Everything is fine except for the navigation menus (previous and next).
I installed the CSS in Simple CSS but afterwards I don’t really see what I should do!
Thanks in advance,
Best regards,
]]>[previous ‘Text’] seems to don’t work anymore. it just isn’t shown
can someone approve that and fix it possibly?
style="display: none;"
for it.
Here’s my equipment:
CF7 5.1.6
Multi-Step Forms Pro 4.0.1
CF7 Conditional Fields 1.7.9
CF7 Dynamic Text Extension (not used in this forum)
running on WP 4.9.13
This is the code generated on the page:
<input type="button" value="Indietro" class="wpcf7-form-control wpcf7-previous sc_button_hover_fade" style="display: none;">
The page is split into two but “next” and “previous” buttons does not appear anywhere.
Settings: https://www.screencast.com/t/6NqmYNUquyG
Article edit: https://www.screencast.com/t/2LLr8PLfKYe
Please help.
Thanks you,
i want to create a button with Maxbuttons plugin that takes the user to the previous (back) page when clicked on it. How do I do this? Btw, I have no experience with Javasript code whatsover.
Kind regards,