I’m running a crowdfunding campaign to sell tickets to an event; assuming the campaign reaches its goal, I’ll sell additional tickets using WooCommerce. The crowdfunding-campaign tickets are at a discounted price.
My desire is to fulfill the crowdfunding-campaign tickets by issuing coupon codes or prepaid-card codes in WooCommerce, and then have the recipients use those to actually purchase tickets. I want to avoid a situation where someone buys a discounted ticket through the crowdfunding campaign and then gets a full-price refund later.
There are a lot of different coupon-code plugins, prepaid card plugins, and so on for WooCommerce. I’m wondering what the best option is for what I am doing.
]]>Plugin works correctly when I’m using just one type of payment option(prepaid like RazorPay, Paytm etc.) for order or just COD.
But when turning both option prepaid and COD ON for user to choose them shipping cost is not updating according to the chosen payment method.
Shipping cost is different for COD then for prepaid order.
Suppose when user come and select the RazorPay as payment method then shipping cost is 50 but then he decide to select COD as payment option then shipping should change to something like 70(depends on location to location, not to be exact) but here shipping cost is not changing.
Please check this,
Kind regards,
Whenever we use cashback coupon for COD orders or prepaid orders, for both, credit happens before even order is marked completed and also it get credited for COD orders.
Actual Requirement is:
1. Cashback coupon should display amount as cashback amount, not as a discount.
2. Cashback coupon credit should happen after order marked as completed.
3. Cashback credit can be aligned to requirement payment mode as per promo requirement.
4. Cashback credit should happen for prepaid orders only.
5. cashback credit should disappear for COD orders.
Snap of user wallet can be found here:
Previous Updates on this issue:
Thanks for sharing custom code to achieve following:
Cashback for Completed Orders only:
Cashback only for prepaid payments, not COD
Please help in this regards,
Please help me with offering cashback only for prepaid payment orders, not for COD orders.
In order to encourage prepaid payments.
Is there a way to disallow prepaid cards at checkout?
I am offering a free trial on our website, and too many people are using prepaid debit cards to signup. Then when their trial period ends, their card (obviously) doesn’t have sufficient funds.
I know that there is a rule in the Stripe.com dashboard (Block if: card_funding: = ‘prepaid’), but it only applies to charges ($0.01+), and not authorizations (free trials).
Thanks in advance for your help!
]]>The plugin stopped giving a total on the invoice for transactions completed using the WooCommerce Account Funds plugin (prepaid funds). This started 2 or 3 updates ago, before it worked fine.
Hope it can be fixed.
Best, D
]]>Is there a way that I can manually add credit to a user’s account so that he/she can buy event sessions out of that balance?
When the prepaid credit is used up he/she would need to have their balance topped up to continue transacting.
I want to manage user credit balances manually as I receive the payments offline.
I tested this out in the go pro trial account, but it seems that if I use the offline payment gateway, payments are event specific, even if I pay more than the event price into the user’s account. I.e. He can’t use his credit balance to purchase other event tickets.
Thank you.
]]>Is there a way to do like codecanyon.net with WooCommerce ? Maybe with an extension ?
For example, users could make a deposit of $20, 40 or more and then they’ll pay one or more items at $5 each.
Many thanks
PS: sorry for my english, i’m french ^^