We have three pools and all players from all these three pools are shown in the same list.
]]>I was wondering if there is a quick fix for view in /user page.
Right now in /user page user can go an view their predictions, for games that have ended to see the points they got. The problem is that /user page shows all the past games as well, so if you’re mid tournament, you have to scroll quite a lot and it is easy to scroll past the right game.
So I was wondering if it is possible to change the view, so only games within the timeframe of today are shown, and past games are hidden behind drop down or any other way, so they are still accessible.
Solution could be something similar that is used for /pool page, where it only shows matches which cannot be changed anymore, but instead only games with playdate of today and in future are shown.
]]>everything was working well but I have discovered today that matches for the next phase (round of 16 and so on) are not visible in the predictions table.
They were created at the beginning, same time that for group phase (i.e. winner group x – second group y) and now I have started the update (USA, Netherlands, Senegal and England) but nobody can’t enter their predictions.
Do you know if something must be done in order to make the next phase visible?
Thanks in advance
]]>Wondering what the best way is to add a way for users to see other players’ predictions. I read an answer to a similar question a couple of years ago, but the links illustrating the answers were not active.
I read that you need to click on a ‘player’ on the ranking table, but the ranking table is not showing any users at the moment because no games have been played.
Any help would be much appreciated!
]]>Kind regards,
I have a EK2020 football pool. Users have entered predictions.
Dates and times working correct, users can enter or update predictions till 5 minutes before a match will start.
Scores for first four matches are entered in admin panel, calculations running very fast.
Still a message is shown, no results yet, a list off all users is shown with 0 points.
When I click on a username in this list I get the list with real scores, user predictions and points for all games played for that user.
When I click on View predictions of other players a get a list with all users, their predictions, use of joker and points. (statistics page):
Playername home away points
Player 1 0 – 3 7
Player 2 1 – 2 2
Player 3 1 – 2 2
The tables scorehistory_s1_t1 and scorehistory_s1_t2 are empty.
What can be the problem and how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!!
]]>This is how it look like – 1.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sFx1H655EjWI4c-Iw9JspA5MXvB3haX_/view?usp=sharing
I changed parameter in football-pool/assets/_prediction_form.scss but nothing happened.
]]>I was wondering if it would be possible to redirect the predictions of a user to a specific part (for example a container) on a page. Instead of that the predictions are shown on a full page.
Great work you did with this plugin. Much appreciated!
]]>There is a function for showing all predictions but that one shows everyone everything, I just want to make it visible for admin.