I have several sliders (total 5) in my form that each go from 0 to 100 to show percentage. All sliders together should form a result of 100%.
Now, I want to create pre-set values for the sliders based on the choice of another drop-down field and the values of the choices there.
Depending on the choice (total 4) in the drop-down, another calculated field shows the related value of the choice.
my question, is there a way to create different pre-set values for the sliders, in form of a function in a hidden calc. field or another way?
Can I create a function, so the sliders show e.g.
slider 1: 20
slider 2: 10
slider 3: 10
slider 4: 0
slider 5: 60
if the value of the drop-down choice is 15
slider 1: 20
slider 2: 20
slider 3: 20
slider 4: 0
slider 5: 40
if the value of the drop-down choice is 10
Please let me know, if you need additional infos.
I have made a form A, where a fieldname1 has to be entered manually in a fieldtype Number, and I copied it to create form-B. In form B, I want to calculate the data in a new fieldname2 and then transfer the result to the fieldtype Number in fieldname1 of Form B.
Or is there any way to retain the fieldname just by changing the fieldtype?
Later on in the form more ‘full name’ entries for different causes. Say fieldname60 and fieldname70 (also single line text). All required.
Since this could all be the same name, I thought I’d use the value of fieldname50 as predefined value for both 60 and 70.
After all there it’s mentioned “It is possible to use another field in the form as predefined value. Ex: fieldname1”
However, in the form these predefined values are not copied after the user enters his full name in fieldname50.
Does this only work with pre-stored values, not with live user input?
]]>I’m a bit stuck on one point. I’d like to make the predefined value = the value of a hidden calculated field.
I’ve tried adding the fieldname to the predefined value box but it doesn’t pull anything across.
While it’s in build stage I’ve unhidden the fields so I know they are already calculated.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help you can give me.
This is a sample code I use:
<?php $styled_price = get_field('price'); echo number_format($styled_price2,0," "," "); ?>
[newsletter_form button_label=””]
[newsletter_field name=”email” label=”get your newsletter” button_label=”Subscribe”, value:”[email protected]”]
Is it possible?
]]>Or better yet, is there a way to have a placeholder or “token” of this value to be pasted into a Predefined Value field?