Clientul meu folose?te acest modul pentru pl??i online ?i am identificat urm?toarea not? ?n fi?ierul de raportare de erori:
[06-Oct-2024 14:04:59 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 507264.00000000006 to int loses precision in /wp-content/plugins/netopia-payments-payment-gateway/wc-netopiapayments-gateway.php on line 328
V? rog, se poate rezolva?
Mul?umesc mult,
Vlad Ilie
I’m using Site Origin Vantage theme and WP 6.3
]]>When I import my orders with “Item Cost” and “Item Total”, they don’t match perfectly. One or the other column just rounds off.
Here is the link for image: Google Drive
This is causing some problems with our balance sheet. If anyone could please look into this it will be really helpful!
]]>I would like to use precision to calculate surface and need to get the total with a result precision without decimal and always up to
example : one item will be *0.6 so if there are 2 items I will get 1.2 and if I set precision at 0 and your plugin gives me 1 but I need 2
How can I do it ?
I’m considering to buy the pro version and would like to know if it gives the opportunity to round the result up or down and how it works.
]]>Rounding/Precision how does it work?
Do you have any documentation or example about setting presicion?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have many small products which means that when a coupon is applied the rounding is not accurate enough (using GBP with 2 decimal places being displayed). This means I need wc_get_rounding_precision()
to return 6 rather than 4.
I can’t see a way of doing this as WC_ROUNDING_PRECISION is a constant 4, so would it be possible to add a filter to wc_get_rounding_precision()
function wc_get_rounding_precision() {
$precision = wc_get_price_decimals() + 2;
if ( absint( WC_ROUNDING_PRECISION ) > $precision ) {
$precision = absint( WC_ROUNDING_PRECISION );
apply_filters( 'woocommerce_rounding_precision', $precision );
return $precision;
Many thanks! A great plugin.
]]>The images of the markers are positioned on the bottom left of the image.
This creates a unwanted effect, like a marker in Spain appears in France when zoom out.
I use markers of 32×32.
It is possible to center the situation of the image-marker in the center of the coordinates?