I recently switched from Google to Microsoft with my domain. I have been sending newsletters through the Google Mail API with postman without any problems. Also sending mails through the Microsoft 365 smtp service is working okay. However, for secrurity reasons I prefer to yse the 365 mail API. I have installed the postman 365 extension and all mails from my plugins are working fine, except the newsletters.
The sendmail service gives me a ‘bad request 400’ response. The error message is telling me that the custom field names from newsletter should be preceded by ‘x-‘. After doing some research, it seems that two fields are problematic: Precedence and List-Unsubscribe-Link. After adding an ‘x-‘ in front, the newsletters are being send without any problems.
Is there a way to change the name of these headers or supress them (preferably in the plugin itself)?
In this topic a similar issue is decribed for another plugin:
I think it is possible to create a similar workaround by extending the newsletter_message_headers filter. Unfortunately my PHP skills are very limited, so I gave up after 2 hours.
Hope someone can help me out with this.
Kind regards,
For now, I can only limit search to a a number of years into the past or a specific amount of recent posts.
]]>Hello again
The link at the top should take you to the offending page
But what I am faced with is that I am trying to create an image slider to sit at the top of the page, which I did. I then added my TablePress id’s to the themify text box, there was the first problem I encountered, the little TablePress icon wasn’t in their textbox. I added it by copy n paste but it didn’t accept it and just only showed my tablepress id’s in the text area.
So I went to the page which I had created and added my tables that way on the backend.
When I went back to my page the tablepress tables had taken total precedence of the page and pushed my title slider to the bottom of the page.
Is there anyway that I can stop this from happening?
How can I get the tables to sit under the slider?
Your help is very much appreciated
Thanx in advance
]]>First off, I don’t get why the cart % discount is applied before the product % discount. There isn’t much sense to this order at all.
The weird behavior occurs if you have some products in your cart and apply product coupon code, continue shopping and then add another product where the product coupon applies. This flips the order.
To my logic, a cart discount of any sort should happen last. I need some convincing to think otherwise. Regardless the mixed behavior is problematic.
Any ideas???
]]>I’m using two kinds of indicators for representing wildlife sightings on a map by using Flexible Map. I use layers (coming from KML files referenced on the main KML file I load into the map) to mark general areas, and spot custom markers to display punctual sightings on given coordinates. Here is a sample of the KML file I load into Flexible Map:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="https://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="https://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<Style id="enric"><IconStyle><Icon><href>https://opistobranquis.info/wp-content/uploads/kms/grn-circle-lv.png</href></Icon></IconStyle></Style>
<NetworkLink id='atlanticocuba'><name><![CDATA[Cuba (Atlántico)]]></name><Link><href>https://opistobranquis.info/wp-content/uploads/mare/atlanticocuba.kml</href></Link></NetworkLink>
<NetworkLink id='caboverde'><name><![CDATA[Cabo Verde]]></name><Link><href>https://opistobranquis.info/wp-content/uploads/mare/caboverde.kml</href></Link></NetworkLink>
<NetworkLink id='marmediterraneo'><name><![CDATA[Mar Mediterráneo]]></name><Link><href>https://opistobranquis.info/wp-content/uploads/mare/marmediterraneo.kmz</href></Link></NetworkLink>
<Placemark><description><![CDATA[<em>Elysia timida</em> (Risso, 1818)<br>Observed at El Medellot (Illes Medes)<br>Seguiment Medes GROC 2011 06-08-2011]]></description><styleUrl>#enric</styleUrl><Point><coordinates>3.221741,42.05146,0</coordinates></Point></Placemark>
<Placemark><description><![CDATA[<em>Elysia timida</em> (Risso, 1818)<br>Observed at Aiguafreda (Begur)<br>Enric Madrenas OPK-2013 22-03-2013]]></description><styleUrl>#enric</styleUrl><Point><coordinates>3.229251,41.96399,0</coordinates></Point></Placemark>
<Placemark><description><![CDATA[<em>Elysia timida</em> (Risso, 1818)<br>Observed at Sa Tuna (Begur)<br>Enric Madrenas OPK-2013 24-03-2013]]></description><styleUrl>#enric</styleUrl><Point><coordinates>3.230925,41.960926,0</coordinates></Point></Placemark>
<Placemark><description><![CDATA[<em>Elysia timida</em> (Risso, 1818)<br>Observed at Depuradora (L'Escala)<br>Enric Madrenas OPK-2013 25-03-2013]]></description><styleUrl>#enric</styleUrl><Point><coordinates>3.16844,42.114986,0</coordinates></Point></Placemark>
When layers are loaded alone, if you click on any layer an overlay appears showing information for the general area, ok. When markers are loaded alone, when you click on any marker an overlay appears showing information for the sighting, ok. However, as I intend to display both layers and markers together, when I load layers and markers, in those areas where they overlap, only the layers’ overlay is displayed, even when I click on a spot marker (as if the layer has precedence over markers).
Is there a way to give precedence to the spot markers over the layers? This way, when I click on a spot I would like to see the spot overlay, and when I click a general area, I see the area overlay…
There is a full sample here: https://opistobranquis.info/en/guia/sacoglossa/elysia-timida/
Any ideas are welcome. Thank you in advance.
If a visitor simply types:
…it will display /albums/name2/
I don’t need to fully express the link as /albums/album2
Now, I also have a heirarchical post_type called ‘songs’ which is not hidden, but would be far less often visited.
At some point WordPress has changed. What I’ve found is that, if I create a -song- with the same slug as a -page- the link will go to the -Song- and not the -Page-. IOW:
If a visitor clicks on a link /name2 it brings them to /songs/name2 NOT what it used to do which was /albums/name2
At some point the custom post type ‘songs’ seems to take precedence so if there is a page with the slug ‘name2’ and a page with the slug ‘name2’, WordPress will redirect to /songs/name2 which is -bad- for me.
In short: How do I make Pages have precedence over Songs when I don’t type in the complete path?
Below is my code for the custom post type. I’ve tried all manner of changes to the rewrite array to no avail.
//songs taxonomy
add_action( 'init', 'create_songs_post_type' );
function create_songs_post_type() {
$labels = array(
'name' => __( 'Songs' ),
'singular_name' => __( 'Song' )
$args = array(
'labels' => $labels,
'public' => true,
'publicly_queryable' => false,
'show_ui' => true,
'show_in_menu' => true,
'query_var' => true,
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'songs'),
'capability_type' => 'post',
'has_archive' => true,
'hierarchical' => false,
'menu_position' => null,
'supports' => array( 'title', 'post-formats', 'excerpt', 'custom-fields', 'revisions','post-formats' )
register_post_type( 'songs', $args);
function songs_init() {
// create a new taxonomy
'label' => __( 'Songs_Tax' ),
'sort' => true,
'args' => array( 'orderby' => 'term_order' )
add_action( 'init', 'songs_init' );
]]>I am using a plugin called Connections Business Directory and recently noticed that my own CSS code was being overridden by that included in the plugin.
After looking into this I soon found out that a CSS file belonging to the CBD plugin was the last to be called in the HTML code – thus giving it precedence over the code of the child theme I had made.
This change came into place after an update, either of the CBD plugin or Customizr.
Seeing how I am running a child-theme based on Customizr shouldn’t style.css be the last CSS file included?
Ludwig T
What i would like to do insted, is to tell style.css (child) to be compiled after all the other stylesheet from the theme, that is, at the bottom. That way, every custom rule will override preceding rules. Right?
how do i tell wordpress to do that?
Is this technique convenient?
Appreciate some help.
]]>Is there a solution for this?
Here is screen shot of my page.
]]>My basic question question is: Do I create a “hello-there” WP Page in the dashboard and then–if I want to totally customize how this page appears/behaves–I create and manually upload a “hello-there.php” file into my theme directory?
I had done this with success, but just in the last day I’ve noticed that WP is reverting to the default file (and the Page content in the Dashboard) instead of looking at the php file I have in th theme directory.
(Not sure if this could have anything to do with having made a minor change to my permalink structure, but could it be related?)