Thank you for the new release of your fantastic plugin.
There is a difference between the main plugin page (it says version 1.8.1)
and the
(there is no version 1.8.1)
This results in an error in my Security scanner.
Thank you for updating the trac page.
Best Regards,
Staf Campforts
I use the W3 Total Cache + CloudFlare plugins as a cache plugin.
On the official WordPress page of your Pre * Party Resource Hints plugin ( in the FAQ section you have clearly specified this:
“Many websites have cache plugins that can interfere with this functionality. I have configured the JavaScript file to only function when it is in its original folder (not been merged/combined). This is to prevent it from triggering after every page load. To get this funtionality working properly, ensure that this file (/wp-content/plugins/pre-party-browser-hints/js/find-external-domains.js) is not effected by any cache plugins.”
I only have 3 questions:
Question number 1
On W3 Total Cache i entered the path you indicated /wp-content/plugins/pre-party-browser-hints/js/find-external-domains.js in the option “Never cache the following pages” in the following menus settings: “Page Cache” and “Database Cache”.
This operation is correct or for example i can avoid entering the path you indicated in the option “Never cache the following pages” on Database Cache menu setting or you have to insert it in some other setting of W3 Total Cache?
Question number 2
On W3 Total Cache you must enter the path you indicated /wp-content/plugins/pre-party-browser-hints/js/find-external-domains.js also in the settings related to the “Minify” menu in the “Never minify the following JS option files” or you have to insert it in some other setting of W3 Total Cache?
Question number 3
On CloudFlare you must enter the path you indicated /wp-content/plugins/pre-party-browser-hints/js/find-external-domains.js for example in the “Page Rules” menu settings as a path not to be cached or you have to insert it in some other setting of CloudFlare?
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>This plugin is the best WordPress plugin in its class, easy, fast, light and very, very efficient.
Highly recommended !
]]>Two months ago and precisely on November 26, 2020 the latest and most updated official stable version of PHP 8.0.x was released while 2 months ago and precisely on November 8, 2020 the latest and most updated official and stable version was released of WordPress 5.6.x which supports the new version of PHP 8.0.x .
I wanted to ask you the following question:
When you make your “Pre * Party Resource Hints” plugin compatible with the latest and most updated official stable version of PHP 8.0.x , you have an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) ?
Thanks in advance for the support.
]]>I wanted to ask you if it is possible to use your Pre * Party Resource Hints plugin together with the Flying Pages plugin with the following configuration without the use of both being redundant ?
Pre * Party Resource Hints Settings:
General Settings
Disable automatically generated WordPress resource hints: Yes
Send resource hints in HTML head or HTTP header: HTML <head>
Auto Preconnect Settings
Automatically set preconnect hints: Yes
Allow unauthenticated users to automatically set preconnect hints via Ajax: Yes
Auto Prefetch Settings
Allow for navigation links to be prefetched while in viewport: No
Prefetch initiation delay: Off (0)
Ignore these keywords:
Maximum requests per second the prefetch queue should process: 3
Delay in prefetching links on mouse hover (milliseconds): 50
Flying Pages by WP Speed Matters Settings:
Delay to start preloading: 0
Max requests per second: 3 requests
Preload only on mouse hover: Off
Mouse hover delay: Off (50ms)
Ignore keywords: The default keyword list as is without any changes
Thanks in advance for the support.
P.S.: I also saw that the Flying Pages developer has collaborated with you helping you develop the Auto Prefetch feature.
]]>I wanted to ask you if it is possible to use your Flying Pages plugin together with the Pre * Party Resource Hints plugin with the following configuration without the use of both being redundant ?
Flying Pages by WP Speed Matters Settings:
Delay to start preloading: 0
Max requests per second: 3 requests
Preload only on mouse hover: Off
Mouse hover delay: 50ms
Ignore keywords: The default keyword list as is without any changes
Pre * Party Resource Hints Settings:
General Settings
Disable automatically generated WordPress resource hints: Yes
Send resource hints in HTML head or HTTP header: HTML <head>
Auto Preconnect Settings
Automatically set preconnect hints: Yes
Allow unauthenticated users to automatically set preconnect hints via Ajax: Yes
Auto Prefetch Settings
Allow for navigation links to be prefetched while in viewport: No
Prefetch initiation delay: Off
Ignore these keywords:
Maximum requests per second the prefetch queue should process: 3
Delay in prefetching links on mouse hover (milliseconds): 50
Thanks in advance for the support.
P.S.: I also saw that you collaborated helping Pre * Party Resource Hints developers in developing the Auto Prefetch feature.
]]>there seems to be a conflict between Pre* Party Resource Hints (1.7.2) and Yoast SEO (14.2). After updating Pre* Party Resource Hints to the 1.7.2 version it is not possible anymore to correctly load the Yoast SEO meta box (is blank like here).
Thanks to this post, I found that there are the following JavaScript errors (related to pre-party-browser-hints/js/admin.js?ver=2.0.2):
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘addEventListener’ of null
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (admin.js?ver=2.0.2:9)
at i (load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.4.1:2)
at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.4.1:2)
at Function.ready (load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.4.1:2)
at HTMLDocument.J (load-scripts.php?c=1&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.4.1:2)
What should I do? Thanks.