Hi, total WP.org newbie here.
I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to change the sizes of my post titles and widget titles in the side bar. With the new google font that I chose, the default font sizes are way too small. I’d like something more along the lines of the size for “Leave a Reply” in the Comments section.
I figured out somehow how to change the navigation menu and how to change all of the fonts, but when I alter the values that I think are the font sizes, nothing happens (in the style.css a section with h1, h2, h3…)
Where is that code (for post titles and widget titles) located and how do I change it? in the style.css or the edit CSS plugin?
Thanks so much!
PS. Since I embedded (I think) my Google fonts in the head, they’ll be visible no matter what, right?
]]>I am fairly new to WP and have searched for this but not found anything that has helped.
I am using the Prana theme, and my featured images are showing in my sites homepage, and therefore when the same image is used as media within the post it appears to be duplicated.
I would like to have featured images set for each post, but dont want them displayed in my homepage. I have gone to Appearance > Prana options to see if there is a setting I can change, but that page is blank.
Any suggestions?
]]>How do I fix this. I have searched the forum and done a google search, but haven’t found out the steps to correct this.
]]>With regards to my yesterday’s post, and my page at https://www.dynamitri.pl – I am, regrettably, still struggling with the entry meta separators “\
” on my website.
As you can see, the top part of the post where the date and my nickname etc. is, has got those “\
” marks separating the meta data. Unfortunately, for some reason, I cannot get it to work between the functions prana_post_date
and prana_post_category
. Only this instance and this very combination causes problems, as evidenced by the only post on the website. I have attempted to replace prana_post_category
with prana_post_author
, and the separator magically shows up. However, the code seems not to generate the meta entry separator between prana_post_date
and prana_post_category
for the reasons unknown to me.
The code, located in my content.php file, which is responsible for that part of the post, looks as following:
<div class="entry-meta">
<?php echo prana_post_date() . prana_post_category() . prana_post_author() . prana_post_sticky() . prana_post_edit_link(); ?>
I have copy/pasted the full contents of the utility.php file from the original Prana Theme I keep unpacked in an offline folder on my computer – I’ve done this to rule out any accidental changes I might have done to the file along the way, and to restore its original state. Alas, no change whatsoever. The date and categories still appear to be glued together without any separator inbetween – even though, to the best of my knowledge, the code quoted above is correct – after all, the separator between prana_post_category()
and prana_post_author()
works perfect! And the way these two are separated looks the same to me as the way that date
and category
are separated…
Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be going on here, and how to resolve the situation? I’m struggling to get this separator between date
and category
, just as it shows up for the rest of the metadata?
Many thanks,
]]>I’ve been struggling to solve it for the better part of today and I think it’s time for me to wave the white flag here. Maybe one of you would be able to help me out.
My page, using Prana Theme that I have customised a bit, is at https://www.dynamitri.pl
As you probably can see, I have moved the Comment section (‘Komentarze’ in Polish, my native language) to the bottom of the post. For some reason, however, I seem completely unable to get rid of the backslash ‘\’ preceding it. I have even gone to the point of opening the utility.php file on my server, which WordPress itself has no access to to the best of my knowledge. There I’ve found some code, which I think is responsible for that part of the post I have problems with:
/** Prana Post Comments */
function prana_post_comments() {
if ( ( ! comments_open() || post_password_required() ) ) {
comments_number( __( 'Leave a Comment', 'prana' ), __( '1 Comment', 'prana' ), __( '% Comments', 'prana' ) );
$comments = ob_get_clean();
/** Output */
$comments = sprintf( '<a href="%s">%s</a>', esc_url( get_comments_link() ), $comments );
$output = sprintf( '%2$s<span class="comments-link">%1$s</span>', $comments, prana_entry_meta_sep() );
return $output;
I have attempted to get rid of prana_entry_meta_sep();
variable, but as soon as I do this, the whole site literally blows up right in my face giving syntax errors and becoming unusable.
Now, I want to keep the entry meta separators on top of the post, where the date and tags are located, but I want the comments link to be at the bottom of the post, and clear (i.e. not preceded by any mark whatsoever). Does anyone have any idea as to how to do this in this case, and remove the problematic backslash?
Many thanks. All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,