We can set up the “Posts page” on the backend and that page is included on “post-sitemap.xml” by default.
Is there a way we can exclude that page from “post-sitemap.xml” and include on “page-sitemap.xml”
Thanks in advance
]]>I recently set my homepage as a static page and have a separate posts page for “recent blogposts.” I put a featured image on this posts page (using banner featured image layout) that will not display. I put featured images on all other pages on my website – using the banner featured image layout – that work just fine on those pages. Why can’t I get the featured image to work on the posts page? (It also won’t show the featured image if I use the default featured image layout option.)
Some more info…When I am editing the posts page and click “preview changes” it shows me the homepage, not the posts page that I am editing.
I use the Kale Theme, but I have a plugin that lets me use it the way it was before WordPress updated several years ago (if this makes sense).
Thanks for your help!!
]]>I recently set my homepage as a static page and have a separate posts page for “recent blogposts.” I put a featured image on this posts page (using banner featured image layout) that will not display. I put featured images on all other pages on my website – using the banner featured image layout – that work just fine on those pages. Why can’t I get the featured image to work on the posts page? (It also won’t show the featured image if I use the default featured image layout option.)
Some more info…When I am editing the posts page and click “preview changes” it shows me the homepage, not the posts page that I am editing.
I use the Kale Theme, but I have a plugin that lets me use it the way it was before WordPress updated several years ago (if this makes sense).
Thanks for your help!!
]]>The problem is that on the Blog listing page the title of that page wont show on the front end. I have tried a lot of code, custom plugin, and id didnt work.
How do I make this work. I appreciate any help.
]]>I’m trying to troubleshoot two issues:
I have done all the tweaks suggested in other forums, but without success:
Under Reading settings, I have the default option selected because the ‘Front Page’ that comes with the theme does not appear in the drop-down list of possible static pages to choose from. The Posts page is set to ‘Forum’. The same thing goes for our Homepage settings under Appearance > Customise.
Under Appearance > Editor > Templates, the Front Page is set to our site’s Homepage (https://www.southsouthmovement.org/). I understand that Front Page “displays your site’s homepage, whether it is set to display latest posts or a static page. The Front Page template takes precedence over all templates.”
However, I still cannot resolve the two issues above.
Any help appreciated!
]]>By doing that, If I edit the “Posts page” and try to change the template, it says that “The posts page template cannot be changed”:
But If we go to the “Quick edit” of the “Posts page” page. We can see the “Template” dropdown that, in theory, it let us select a registered custom template.
But this way, WordPress keeps using the “home.html” template file (as is defined by the template hierarchy). And doesn’t really make use of that custom template that I just selected (it uses home.html instead).
By searching on Google about that, I found some people recommending to leave blank the “Posts page” dropdown option of the “Your hompage displays” section in the Reading Settings page:
The template then loads when I go to ie. //wordpress.test/blog
I even can load patterns in that template, but it seems unable to load blocks that use the query loop. It only shows the page title but not the query block. I don’t understand why wordpress shows the page title, when there are no blocks to show that.
This is the pattern where I’m loading the query block, with the post template, and query pagination and so… This same pattern works flawlesly while using it with a “Posts page” selected in the “Your hompage displays” section, since then it use home.html template, but then WP says The posts page template cannot be changed
* Title: Query (Grid, Inherited)
* Slug: jeflopo-fury/query--grid-inherited
* Categories: query
* Block Types: core/query
<!-- wp:query {"queryId":0,"query":{"perPage":10,"pages":0,"offset":0,"postType":"post","order":"desc","orderBy":"date","author":"","search":"","exclude":[],"sticky":"","inherit":true,"parents":[]},"align":"wide","style":{"spacing":{"blockGap":"var:preset|spacing|100"}} -->
<div class="wp-block-query alignwide">
<!-- wp:post-template {"layout":{"type":"grid","columnCount":2}} -->
<!-- wp:group {"tagName":"article","style":{"spacing":{"padding":{"top":"var:preset|spacing|100","right":"var:preset|spacing|100","bottom":"var:preset|spacing|100","left":"var:preset|spacing|100"},"blockGap":"var:preset|spacing|50"},"border":{"radius":"0.25rem"},"borderColor":"article-border","backgroundColor":"article-base","className":"has-container-shadow","layout":{"type":"default"}},"className":"is-style-container"} -->
<article class="wp-block-group is-style-container" style="border-radius:0.25rem;padding-top:var(--wp--preset--spacing--100);padding-right:var(--wp--preset--spacing--100);padding-bottom:var(--wp--preset--spacing--100);padding-left:var(--wp--preset--spacing--100)"><!-- wp:post-featured-image {"isLink":true,"aspectRatio":"auto","align":"full"} /-->
<!-- wp:post-title {"isLink":true} /-->
<!-- wp:post-excerpt /-->
<!-- /wp:group -->
<!-- /wp:post-template -->
<!-- wp:query-pagination {"layout":{"type":"flex","justifyContent":"space-between","flexWrap":"wrap"}} -->
<!-- wp:query-pagination-previous {"label":"Previous"} /-->
<!-- wp:query-pagination-numbers /-->
<!-- wp:query-pagination-next {"label":"Next"} /-->
<!-- /wp:query-pagination -->
<!-- /wp:query -->
So how could I create and be able to select between multiple templates for the “Posts page” page ?
I mean, without simply replacing a hardcoded pattern on the home.html template to load my desired “template”.
Thank you !
ps: I’m using WP 6.5-alpha-56974 and Only Gutenberg 16.9.0-rc.1