We have a different number associated to each order (invoice number / order number) and wondered if it would be possible to use this as the reference instead of the Post ID?
]]>When creating a new download in EDD and also adding a shortcode from EMG to the content of the post, this happens. When using the Classic Editor and the following plugin in version (old) 1.1.1 the download_id or post_id is suddenly the ID from the media gallery, instead of the post that is being edited.
I worked around it for my plugin, but resetting a post ID will cause problems for other plugins and postboxes as well. Could you take a look into this?
Hi Team,
Forminator is amazing plugin but from few days I am facing a issue with the post id. I have set the process for downloading the whitepaper. We have too many whitepapers so, we are using the single form for each product. We are using the hidden field as post id and in behavior, we are passing this post id as parameters. This has the redirection to the media file (whitepaper). But since few days its not getting the post id in url. Which is causing us issue. It would be great to get the solution for this. Thanks in advance.
Mohammed Rafique
Is there any possibility that I need to store the submitted contact form 7 values in a separate column when the order post id is created in the posts table.
So in the same table with the same post id i can get the details of Form Values, Payment status, transaction id etc.,
Thanks in advance !
]]>I am saving the contact form 7 form submitted values using the contact-form-db7 plugin. These informations are stored in wp_db7_forms table.
I am using paypal stripe add on plugin to process the payment for the form. The transaction id is stored in the postsmeta table with the post id. This post id is generated post the submission of payment in the payment page.
For now there is no link between these two tables, i need help with creating a link between these two tables so that i get a detailed information of the submitted form values and payment status.
Thanks in advance.
]]>add_filter( 'mc4wp_integration_contact-form-7_subscriber_data', 'vts_dinamic_tag_mc4wp_cf7',10,2);
function vts_dinamic_tag_mc4wp_cf7(MC4WP_MailChimp_Subscriber $subscriber, $cf7_form_id){
$tag = 'seo';
$subscriber->tags[] = $tag;
return $subscriber;
but if i try to create that field in dynamic, it doesn’t happen. nothing.
add_filter( 'mc4wp_integration_contact-form-7_subscriber_data', 'vts_dinamic_tag_mc4wp_cf7',10,2);
function vts_dinamic_tag_mc4wp_cf7(MC4WP_MailChimp_Subscriber $subscriber, $cf7_form_id){
$vtsCurrentUrl = 'https://' . $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ];
$vtsCatTag = get_the_category(url_to_postid($vtsCurrentUrl));
$tag = $vtsCatTag[0]->slug;
$subscriber->tags[] = $tag;
return $subscriber;
outside of this function, I still manage to get the category name. The problem arises inside the filter.