I recently installed your Fluent SMTP plugin but I didn’t find any ready integration for Postal SMTP server which is a popular open source SMTP server that provides API also for sending email.
I request you to integrate this with the Fluent SMTP plugin, here is the PHP library link for integration : https://github.com/postalserver/postal-php
API usage docs: https://docs.postalserver.io/developer/api
This would be really useful for many users who want to use Postal SMTP server for sending email.
Test emails fail in the same way.
]]>We have tried to hide the option in one of our contact forms that accepts Stripe payment. But we weren’t able to find a way to hide this using any hooks or event listeners in the Contact form. So, as a solution we have updated the Stripe main index.js file and added the script to remove the zip/postal code.
Updated code: i.create(“card”) to i.create(“card”, {hidePostalCode: true})
The issue is resolved. We know the plugin file update is not a proper method, so we request you to add an option for it.
]]>I am really interesting by your premium plugin.
I would like to have some informations about postal send.
How it works with Gift Cards ?
Who is looking for gift card send ?
Once customers paid delivery, who gets money ?
Does customer receive a confirmation email when voucher is sent ? Does seller receive also a confirmation email ?
Do you have general condition about this point ?
Thank you so much,
For DHL Netherlands I also need to fill in a postal/zip code.
(its not tracking, it’s just a random postal code for now because my clients are private)
In the plugin i made a custom provider with this url:
The tracking number is taking over well into the DHL tracking page. With the postal/zip code it is literally filling in %postal_code%.
I thought it was taking over the postal code my customers are filling in on the webshop but that’s not. How can I make a input into this plugin so it will take over the postal/zip code on the DHL Netherlands tracking page as well ?
Thanks, Federico