I have made sure that tags are turned on for the site map.
I have another tag plugin for page_tags but I have used this with many other wordpress sites and yoast does not have any conflict with this ever.
I do have a large amount of tags on my website so I am not sure if this is the reason. Is there a limit to the number of tags yoast will display in the sitemap?
If there is a maximum anmount of tags then why is yoast not displaying any tags at all?
I do not want to have to use any other plugin but yoast and I do not have this issue with any of my other websites using the same setup.
Please advise.
In the example above I would want to exclude the tag IDs 2, 4, and 6.
]]>I’m searching for a newsletter plugin to send a newsletter where the readers can choose individual post tags. I saw that Subscribe2 already support categories for that. Is there a way to extend Subscribe2 with post tags? Maybe with an own plugin?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I am trying to add a body class for a single post. The body class i want it to be the post tag(s).
I tried using the function for category, but it didn’t work. Here is the code:
// add category nicenames in body and post class
function category_id_class($classes) {
global $post;
foreach((get_the_tags($post->ID)) as $tag)
$classes[] = $tag->name;
return $classes;
add_filter('post_class', 'category_id_class');
add_filter('body_class', 'category_id_class');
Been at it for a few good hours, didn’t find anything specific on google. And i am not very good with php.
Thank you in advance
]]>basically what I’d like to do is have more than just tag name and descriptions available, I’d just like to add a few fields to the info for post tags,
I’ve looked into taxonomy and I understand I can build this custom, but since the site is existing I’d like to just add the functionality of adding a custom input to the tag info
Any help would be appreciated
]]>I want to show a comlete list of all post_tags within a menue on top of my page (I put it into header.php). (View the menu at … “Artikel Sortieren / nach Inhalten”)Those are supposed to show off as links in an unordered list. Unfortunatelly I don’t quite understand how to work with the_tags() or related functions.
Trying the same with the categories I used the following code:
<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=0&hierarchical=0'); ?>
This works well.
Now, here’s the problem:
<?php wp_tag_cloud('smallest=10&largest=10&orderby=name'); ?>
I get links, but they have the classes ‘tag-link-xx‘.
My question: How can I remove these classes (so that these links reply to the style.css) and fit in the
Thanks for helping
I’ve searched on Google for variations of this question and not found anything so far.
I’m wondering if anyone has produced any code to do this already.
I’d be very grateful if it has been done