could someone help me. what’s wrong with my wordpress ?
thank you.
]]>However, it seems that both Microsoft Live writers and Post2blog doesn’t like the new host. Each time i submit a post, some characters such as “<” and “>” are dropped. so the html is not constructed properly.
here’s the example
hope someone could help,
btw, the post is rendered correctly if i use wordpress wysiwyg editor. it’s only problematic using remote posting.
]]>My xmlrpc.php file is in
However when I try to get Flickr to point to it so I can blog photos, it says it has an error and suggests that my blog and username and password is to blame.
I also try to get ScribeFire to point to my blog and while it finds my blog’s xml-rpc on its own it won’t log in either with my admin account or the seperate account I have set up with it, claiming that the username and/or password is incorrect.
This is not true as I can log in directly to my WordPress install using both accounts so they do work.
So, what is wrong with my XML-RPC guys?
]]>I have tried it manually and with the Post2blog program.
Any ideas?
]]>Since the update to 2.0 anyone using programs like blogjet, post2blog or ecto
have suddenly found that the new 2.0 doesnt work well with them.
Blogjet, you do your post in it. and put the extended entry LINE ( more tag ) in it. and then upload.. everything uploads ok and displays EXCEPT the more tag. ( it has been removed by wordpress )
I asked blogjet support they said, its not us its wordpress.. they need to fix it ?
Post2blog – Since 2.0 you can not upload images the way you could before, You cannot use post2blogs insert chitika or insert adsense into post.. what happens is.. when you create a post and upload it.. 2.0 blog doesnt show the image as it never got uploaded, and adsense plus chitika dont display in your post.
Post2blogs support response was : we are waiting for 2.01 as that is when it will be fixed. Basically its wordpress not us.. and we cant fix it as its not our issue.
So question is.. Who the bloody hell issue is it? as Im pretty sure wordpress is going to turn around and say.. Well its not our issue.. we dont make out software to be compatible with every software on the market.. they have to make it compatible with us.
So…. who is the culprit?
]]>1. when you add in the more tag all the text below the tag TURNS RED!??? see it here
2. if i use blogjet , post2blog or ecto and put a more tag in.. when i post it removes it.. so i have to go into admin and add it in.?? then i end up with the red thing happening.. HELP
1. When extended entry field is supplied in XML-RPC request then the whole entry is mixed with extended entry so no way to set extended entry via XML-RPC
2. When you edit post previously posted via XML-RPC then you can’t see <!–more–> tag that separates main and extended entry.
I believe the problems are in the implementation for MetaWeblog.NewPost and MetaWeblog.EditPost methods so is there any bug-fixes or patches for this problem?
XML-RPC request to add edit/add new post:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<value><string>main text</string></value>
<value><string>more text goes here</string></value>
Then download posted entry and you can see that returned “mt_text_more” field now is empty:
<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<member><name>description</name><value><string>main text
other text goes here</string></value></member>
<value><string>Sample Category 1</string></value>
then noticed several issues like
1. It wont let you post to more than 1 category at a time, i have tested this on countless wordpress installs.. both manual and through fantastico.. and i know its not wordpress as ive logged into wordpress admin and can do it there.. so its the software
2. It craps out on your at times when your posting and gives a CANT POST SO CLOSED GRACEFULLY ERROR
other than that its a very good bit of software.. just a pain on the category thing as im having to post thne log in and set category.. so i might aswell just post from wordpress
anyone else seen issues with post2blog