My categories are trip names. When I go to a category page, I want it to list the posts in ascending order (oldest first) so the reader starts at the beginning of the journey. This question was asked/answered here:
I tried to use that code in the Code Snippets plugin and then by putting the code into the crio/functions.php. I also tried using the Post Order By Category plugin instead. None of these give me the desired behavior. Am I doing something wrong or is something hardwired in Crio that prevents this from working?
]]>How do I setup AQL Post Order and Post Meta Query to sort the list of name by the sort order custom field. The CPT and Custom fields were setup using Meta Box (
]]>It also has no effect when displaying posts on the site itself.
Manual page ordering however, works fine.
How can I get the post ordering to work?
]]>I have a problem similar to this one:
The plot twist is that the plugin works fine on my local environment, but every time I save a post on staging, the entire post order is reverted and the oldest one is displayed first. I don’t believe that this would be a theme or conflict plugin as, like I said, it works on my local env so I’m out of ideas. Any way you could shed some light on this manner?
]]>I have a very interesting issue (at least to me): when i gave a wordpress site to my customers, they accidentally started making all posts featured and this behavior was left unnoticed until now. I asked them to go through all posts retrospectively and remove “featured” check everywhere and start using the featured feature as it is intended.
They did that and the ordering of posts went crazy! It looks like removing the featured from a post made an equivalent step of “republishing” it so even though the original publication date was left intact, but the posts are not ordered by publication date anymore, rather a post is being rendered at a chronological position as if it was published at the time of the removal of the featured state.
Please help, i cannot find anything else other than buy this nice plugin that lets you order your plugins in any arbitrary order.
Thanks in advance!