Let’s say you’re either on the page to create a post in the wp admin, or on the one to edit an existing one. On that page, you go to the tags metabox on the right post properties configs. Now you enter a new tag name and hit enter. WP then creates the tag and adds it via REST API. So far so good. Problem: the created term has no language, and what if you set that taxonomy to be language – specific?
To make taxonomy pages work, the language of the according terms have to be set appropriately, from what I’ve learned and tried. Hence, I’m trying to auto-set the language of a term, right when it’s created. I was able to do this via:
function( $term_id ) {
if ( ! function_exists( 'pll_set_term_language' ) ) {
require_once WP_CONTENT_DIR.'plugins/polylang/include/api.php';
pll_set_term_language( $term_id, 'de' );
Like this, my terms however always get the language GERMAN assigned; so I need to figure out the missing piece of code to set the language equal to the one which is currently applied to the post in the create / edit post admin page (I only need to enable this feature on these two pages). How can I do this?
]]>Example : Assume you have a custom taxonomy whose terms you’ve set to the language-specific via polylang settings. In that taxonomy, you then have one term defined so far, one in each language:
– Begriff Eins (German)
– Word One (English)
If I now check the list of available terms of that taxonomy in the quick edit of a german pots in the wp admin, I can only select “Begriff Eins”. If I do the same for an english post, I can only select “Word One”.
When I however open the post edit screen, in the metabox of the concerned taxonomy, I can select both “Begriff Eins” and “Word One”; no matter in which language the concerned post is written. I want the same behaviour as in quick edits, such that, when a german post is edited, I can only select among german terms of the concerned taxonomy, and analogously for english..
Note: It would also be good if, when adding a new term to the taxonomy in the edit post screen, you could also immediately set its language, as the taxonomy is said to hold lanugages / translations.
]]>A great feature for Translatepress would be to allow us to set the default language for each post in addition to the global setting.
In this way the posts in different languages could be translated to the user’s preference.
Thank you for developing such a wonderful plugin – we have recently switched from WPML and are very happy so far!
]]>As said in the title, this plugin is not working with Per Post Language plugin.
When I preview the post in other language, black top toolbar is displayed in other language, not English.
Hi, I have a site where users can create posts through Frontier Post. It’s set up so that they can register and login without backend access and are able to create their own posts via frontend in their language of preference; the problem is that, being a multilanguage site, users can only create posts in their own language, so when a visitor using a different locale comes by they won’t see their posts without requiring a backend user to create alternate language versions of their content.
After searching, I noticed that there are a couple of solutions, but rather than editing the theme to account for the default post language I’d prefer to create alternate versions of the new post right off the bat, so that when the user posts their content it gets created in other languages as well automatically (that is: after the user submits a new post in the frontend, alternate language versions with the same exact content are created without further user action).
This is where I got lost, though, as I have no idea where to start writing what I have in mind (I know too little of how WP and Polylang tick to accomplish this). May I have a pointer in the right direction, or possibly some help in coding this? Thanks!