I have not been able to figure out how to correct this issue (we do not want this title on all posts). I have taken the sticky OFF, but that did not correct the issue.
If you look at the list of posts, the titles are correct. Once you click through to the individual posts, you can see that the titles have changed.
Thank you for the assistance.
]]>In this scenario, the post should be visible in the home page reporting in the post header ALL categories, also the ones excluded from the home page.
Can you confirm?
Thank you in advance
]]>But the video only covered making the header for pages, not posts.
QUESTION: How do I duplicate the header that I used on my pages and have it show for every post that I create?
I’ve tried to duplicate the header in a private post using Elementor but it does not render correctly. It’s wrong. Many things are wrong. What I’m happy with is the page link that I added for this post.
So I went into Theme Panel > My Library > Add New to create what I named Post Header. Finally, after the 4th try, I was able to ALMOST duplicate the page header onto a post.
I used the Elementor widget called Custom Header Nav. And it has a setting to select your saved menus, and I selected the one I created in the Customizer called Main Nav. But it only pulled the Main Nav and the not the Logo. I didn’t realize until just now that the logo on the far left is not a part of the nav menu.
I wish I could post a link to a post, but I haven’t posted one yet. Just imagine my page heading without the logo, and that is what my post heading looks like. So it comes down to a few questions:
1. Why didn’t my copying of the page header carry over to a post heading? Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?
2. Is there a way that I can add my logo in the same position as my menu? I can add a logo, but it either has to go above or below the menu.
3. Or my option is to not have a logo in the header for posts. Do you think that is a problem?
Any help is appreciated. If you want, I can post all my settings for the page and post headings that I have in Elementor, as well as the settings in my post under OceanWP Settings.
]]>It doesn’t matter if this post contains a [toc] or not; most of our posts don’t have a Table of Contents and I only insert these with the shortcode.
As soon as I deactivate this plugin (and clear my cache) it’s back to normal: all links open with the <h1> header in focus.
My install:
latest WordPress 5.1.1, but with “Disable Gutenberg” plugin – I don’t want nor need blocks.
One of the companies I syndicate for asked that instead of a footer at the end of a post, I put a header at the beginning of the post.
Since then, I have to edit all of their posts and put in the header manually.
Can we get a feature to input a block of code at the beginning of the post the same way you do with the footer?
]]>Right now the title of my posts are generally black and this works fine because the background is white. However, on Portfolio page the background is black so titles are invisible. I would like to keep the black background and change the font to white. Could you please help? Thanks!!
]]>– Is there a way to move the headline to below the widget?
– Is there a way to move the headline to below both the widget and featured image?
Yesterday i wrote a Post https://mynation.net/docs/953-2015/
Actual header is SC : Abuse of the process of law, Quash false Criminal case same can be seen on Browser panel.
but when you see post header displayed is SC : Abuse of a routine of law, Quash false Criminal case
What is this weired WP behavior
]]>When you open a thread, the post header extends past the content box. Here’s the link:
On public view, you can still see the problem without being logged in, but I have also uploaded a screenshot of the issue in a reply thread — so you’re able to see what it looks like when logged in.
Looking forward to your response. Thanks!