I’m trying to put post date and author name on each single post so I checked the “Display post date” and “Display post author” checkbox as shown in the screenshot below.
But as you can see, I see none of them other than the word “by”. At first I thought it was the color problem it turned out that it wasn’t cuz I’ve tried to change all the colors to black.
Any ideas?
]]>I need a shortcode to show the date of published the post. NOT that the date is automatically updated every day. Ex. when I published the Post yesterday, the date of yesterday should be there every time. Is that possible with it ? and how ( shortcode ? )
THX a lot in advance.
]]>I wanted to add a “last modified” information under single posts in my blog, but I would like there to always be a date.
Now it is like: “Last modified on 17 august 2023” when the post has been modified on this date.
But if the post has not been modified yet, it will look like “Last modified on” and no date, which looks quite strange.
Isn’t there a way to show the post date instead of the last modified date as long as the post has never been modified? I think this would fit the needs of users better than just showing nothing.
]]>I want to change the displayed post date to the actual event start date for the free Post Carousel. I know where to change it but not what I need to insert there (see attached screenshot).
Thanks in advance.
Screenshot: https://ibb.co/MkT61jV
]]>what i want is to print the post date/time which is coming from “Date Format” and “Time Format” from the wp General Settings
how i do change the function and these 2 steps?
$date_post = '';
if ( array_key_exists( 'post_date', $the_post ) ) {
$date = new DateTime( trim( $the_post['post_date'] ) );
$date_post = date_i18n( $format, $date->getTimestamp() );
$html .= '<span>' . __( 'Published', 'netsposts' ) . '</span><span>' . ' ' . $date_post . '' . '</span>' . ' ' . '<span>' . __( 'out', 'netsposts' ) . '</span>'
. ' <span>' . NetsPostsHtmlHelper::create_link( $blog_url, $blog_name, $open_link_in_new_tab, 'netsposts-source-link' ) . '</span>
]]>i ran inspection and found the following entries ..
<header class="entry-header">
<div class="post-date wd-post-date wd-style-with-bg" onclick="">
<span class="post-date-day">
12 </span>
<span class="post-date-month">
??? </span>
</header><!-- .entry-header -->
]]>just saw, that the post date showing twice.
Looks like this: November 22, 2022November 22, 2022
Regarding this post here, it is a theme issue.
Maybe somebody can help? Thanks
]]>My goal is to display the date of the post was created ( $published_date ) , if it was only published for the first time and was never updated or edited.
and to display the updated date if a post was updated/edited ($update_date).
but it seems my code isn’t working, Here is my code.
$published_date = get_the_date( 'F j, Y' );
$update_date = get_the_modified_time( 'F j, Y' );
if( get_the_modified_time() == get_the_time()){
echo $published_date;
echo $update_date;
Thank you.
]]>Mailpoet is a great plugin but I can’t find out something that, I think, is obviously missing.
We want to use Mailpoet for a client website.
Their need is to send a newsletter each 2 months with a selection of blog articles.
We will then use “articles” block, to pick articles from the blog.
The block can be pre-configured and keeps design settings in the newsletter template. That’s perfect and our client just have to add a block and pick his preferred article without adjust the design settings for each block. Good.
BUT we need to display the publish date for each article.
I can’t find this option in “articles” block settings.
Is there a way to add this ? Or would you add this option in the future ?
I imagine that could be a common feature request.
Maybe that we need the premium version of mailpoet for this ?
If not, our client will have to add the date manually (find it on the blog, report it for each post…) and we think it’s a pity when everything else is perfect.
Thanks for your feedback