From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Subject: [your-subject]Message Body:
Този имейл беше изпратен автоматично от контактнатаформа на Проакаунт (
This is the used code for setting up the contact form
<td colspan="2"></td>
<td>[email* Class placeholder "Имейл*"]
[tel tel-377 Class placeholder "Телефон (по избор)"]
<td>[select* menu-497 "Вид на юр/физ. лице:" "ООД, ЕООД" "ЕТ, свободна професия" "АД, ЕАД" "НПО и Фондации"]
<td>[select* menu-692 "Вид на дейност:" "Услуги" "Търговия на едро" "Търговия на дребно" "Производство"]
<td>[select* menu-497 "Регистрация по ЗДДС:" "Да" "Не"]
<td>[select* menu-692 "Сделки с държави в/извън ЕС:" "Да" "Не"]
<td>[select* menu-497 "Брой фактури месечно:" "1-10" "10-30" "30-60" "60-100" "100-150" "Над 150"]
[select* menu-497 "Банкови сметки:" "В лева" "Във валута" "В лева и валута" "Няма"]
<td>[select* menu-497 "Касов апарат:" "Да" "Не"]
[select* menu-497 "Назначени на трудови/граждански договори:" "1-5 души" "5-10 души" "10-20 души" "20-30 души" "30-40 души" "40-50 души" "Над 50 души" "Без персонал"]
<td colspan="2"></td>
[submit class:button id:form-submit "Изпрати"]
]]>I have set up the pop up popmake-14888|popmake-contact-listing and I need to place it with an image
I have disabled w3tc thinking it was blocking it, and I have added a js plugin to add the js code as shown here
Please help. I can provide login password if necessary
When visitor submit the “REQUEST QUOTE” form then I get a mail with desalts and want to get each single post title in that mail. I used [_post_title] code for get single post title and I got title. But I got only one post title from top of the page.
How I can get every single post title in the mail ?
When visitor submit the “REQUEST QUOTE” form then I get a mail with desalts and want to get each single post title in that mail. I used [_post_title] code for get single post title and I got title. But I got only one post title from top of the page.
How I can get every single post title in the mail ?
]]>I’m using Contact Form 7 Plugin in easy fancybox. it’s working fine.
I’m using it in this site. When visitor click on “REQURST QUERT” Button then show contact form in a light box and when click send button of the contact form then show welcome massage it’s ok. But when I clicked another “REQURST QUERT” Button then the welcome massage is still.
So when click anther “REQURST QUERT” Button then I want show new contact form without welcome massage.
* Popup contact form
* Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013
$PopupContact_abspath = dirname(__FILE__);
$PopupContact_abspath_1 = str_replace('wp-content/plugins/popup-contact-form', '', $PopupContact_abspath);
$PopupContact_abspath_1 = str_replace('wp-content\plugins\popup-contact-form', '', $PopupContact_abspath_1);
require_once($PopupContact_abspath_1 .'wp-config.php');
$PopupContact_name = $_POST['PopupContact_name'];
$PopupContact_email = $_POST['PopupContact_email'];
$PopupContact_message = $_POST['PopupContact_message'];
$PopupContact_On_MyEmail = get_option('PopupContact_On_MyEmail');
$PopupContact_On_Subject = get_option('PopupContact_On_Subject');
if($PopupContact_On_MyEmail <> "YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS-TO-RECEIVE-MAILS" && $PopupContact_On_MyEmail <> "")
$sender_email = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($PopupContact_email));
$sender_name = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($PopupContact_name));
$subject = $PopupContact_On_Subject;
$message = $PopupContact_message;
$message = preg_replace('|&[^a][^m][^p].{0,3};|', '', $message);
$message = preg_replace('|&|', '&', $message);
$mailtext = wordwrap(strip_tags($message), 80, "\n");
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: \"$sender_name\" <$sender_email>\n";
$headers .= "Return-Path: <" . mysql_real_escape_string(trim($PopupContact_email)) . ">\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: \"" . mysql_real_escape_string(trim($PopupContact_name)) . "\" <" . mysql_real_escape_string(trim($PopupContact_email)) . ">\n";
$mailtext = str_replace("\r\n", "", $mailtext);
@wp_mail($PopupContact_On_MyEmail, $subject, $mailtext, $headers);
echo "Message bien envoyé.";
[Please post code or markup between backticks or use the code button. Or better still – use a pastebin. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged/corrupted by the forum’s parser.]