Or can this be done already?
]]>Perhaps it is good that the maintainers of amr-ical-events-list recheck/regenerate all their MO files for the next release. Perhaps also remove the directory amr-ical-events-list-da_DK?
]]>For that plugin I made correct Dutch translation .po and .mo files.
AHB is distributing these official translations in both the free and paid version of the plugin.
But WP unfortunately constantly keeps on automatically updating my website with the wrong files. Statement from the AHB plugin creator: “The wrong translation your website keeps loading isn’t from the official distribution channels but from the translations added by volunteers to the www.remarpro.com directory as mentioned in the previous reply (we don’t control this one).”
Obviously I do want to use the much more complete and approved translations that were made by me and used for the official distributions.
How to stop WP from updating my site with the unwanted versions?
]]>We have followed the “how to guide” for using a French Canadian (fr_CA) translation for our The Events Calendar plugin.
We seem to have problems whenever there is a plugin update. We lose the French version and English is back.
Since the guide specify we need the .mo file in /wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lang/ with the-events-calendar-fr_FR.mo that should be in use, we guess it’s normal that any updates override these .mo files.
Since we want to make customized tweaks in the French .mo, we used your .po to edit and make modifications. Obviously, putting the generated .mo back in place only works until there is a plugin update! We also tried putting the .po & .mo outside, in: /wp-content/languages/plugins/ (with the-events-calendar-fr_CA.mo and the-events-calendar-fr_CA.po files) but they do not override the plugin general /lang/ files.
Can someone help us? Where can we put our customized French version so it won’t be erased with each plugin upgrade?
]]>i’ve got another issue with Translations. I don’t find three sentences or wordings anywhere in PO/MO Files, nor with Loco Translate. They seem to truly be missing.
First one is when you install the Social Network Login Add-On using Nextend Social Login the “Or, click here to Login…”. That can’t be found anywhere in the files.
The Second one is the wording “Payment Information”. In german it’s a single word “Zahlungsinformationen” and i cant edit it to just have “Zahlungsinformationen”, a single word.
The third one is “We accept all major credit cards”. This can’t be found anywhere. I looked in the main plugin, the paypal add-on, the social network add-on and i can’t find it in any of them. If i try the search in Loco Translate, it doesn’t find any matches.
Thanks for your work on the plugin so far. When I complete an order for some reason the PO number no longer shows in the admin panel.
Is this expected behaviour?
]]>thanks for this beautiful plugin! I am using it for the first time and it works fine. I am nearly finished with setting it up and am trying to fix some translations.
I tried to translate the error messages which appear in the login form when a user types in a wrong password or does not enter one at all. Also I would like to translate the “Show password” check box. I used Poedit and I want to translate to German.
Unfortunately the .po file for German does not contain the strings described above. So there is no possibility to enter a translation for those strings. I tried to set up a new translation using the .pot file but also there I could not find the strings.
Is it possible, that you add these strings to the German .po file without translation so that I could use this file to enter my own translation? Or some other workaround? Would be very helpful!
I need the following strings:
Thank you in advance!
]]>I read your reply for another question:
So regarding your answer:
“To translate any texts, you need to create translation files(.mo files) for each language you want to use. You may use the POT file available in the plugin language folder as an example to create the translation files(.po and .mo files).”
Do I name the .po and .mo files the same as the POT file?
And do I upload them in the same folder as the original POT file?
See image: https://ibb.co/71h7HZV
Thank you!