hooks plugins_loaded
at one level below any existing hook, for functionality that uses Status::is_offline_mode
which in turn stores the result in a cache. There are several hooks to plugins_loaded
added at zero level (e.g. wp_maybe_load_widgets
, wp_maybe_load_embeds
, _wp_add_additional_image_sizes
So when this plugin adds the jetpack_offline_mode
filter, it is too late.
Either you need to add the plugins_loaded
filter with PHP_INT_MIN
priority, or (better), add the jetpack_offline_mode
filter during construction.
Would you be able to update the plugin to resolve this?
]]>I want all the listings on the category page to display on top of the category description
Kind Regards
]]>Estou tentando alterar o posicionamento de onde deve aparecer o plugin de cálculo do produto usando o hook cfpp_hook_location, porém, n?o consigo usá-lo no meu tema, descobri que isso acontece porque você usa na linha 45 do arquivo ‘woo-correios-calculo-de-frete-na-pagina-do-produto.php’, a a??o ‘plugins_loaded’ e por isso os hooks só alcan?am outros plugins (atualmente eu criei um plugin apenas para usar o hook), a solu??o que eu encontrei é simples, basta apenas trocar este hook ‘plugins_loaded’ para ‘init’, porque ele é executado após o carregamento dos plugins e do tema ativo do WordPress. Se você puder fazer esta atualiza??o na próxima vers?o, fico agradecido, obrigado!
]]>I have several plugins that are translation ready. All translations are stored in my plugin folder /languages. The translation is loaded via this function:
function vscf_init() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'verysimple', false, dirname( plugin_basename( __FILE__ ) ) . '/translation' );
add_action('plugins_loaded', 'vscf_init');
Several users of most recent WP version are saying the translation does not work.
I notice in most recent version you can set language in WP dashboard in stead of defining it in wp-config file:
define('WPLANG', 'nl_NL');
Question, should I load my translation files differently?
]]>If a plugins menu shows up in the wrong language, then possibly that plugin is loading their textdomain too early. They should move the plugin_load_textdomain to the plugins_loaded action hook.
]]>Just thought I’d let you know that the way/time that the plugin text domain is loaded breaks when also using
Easy downloads loads with the original locale and so the menus appear in the ‘wrong’ language.
See (english / german)
and (german / english)
Moving the load to after ‘plugins loaded’ should fix it.
According to Otto’s
Any calls to load_plugin_textdomain should be in a function attached to the “plugins_loaded” action hook.
It had me really puzzled for awhile!
]]>I’m hooking the “plugins_loaded” event but it’s triggered “after all plugins are activated”, is it possible to hook somewhere between “after a,b and before c,d” plugins are activated?
]]>One of my client’s sites was written by a 3rd party agency, and has worked fine (mostly) since I’ve taken it over. Recently, one part of a custom-plugin has stopped working, it’s meant to allow the admin to upload images/videos, to be saved as child posts.
I’ve figured out where the problem is, and tried debugging for hours with no success.
– the upload form is generated by a call to /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
– on submit, the form POSTS a file and a few fields to the same URL /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, which now returns 302 moved temporarily
– basic debug-logging shows that the problem is in wp-settings, it gets to do_action( ‘plugins_loaded’ ); and then goes wrong.
– I’ve tried disabling all non-essential plugins (leaving this custom-plugin, BuddyPress, and ZEND), with no joy
I don’t know the best way of debugging further, to try to figure out exactly which functions are failing in plugins_loaded(), or why WP is deciding to return a 302.
Any insight on the above paragraph would be GREATLY appreciated, this is rather urgent too