E.g. My home page does not have any “add to cart” buttons. So I don’t want to load any FB events here. Nor for completed purchases, which should only track based on checkout fields being completed and submitted.
How can we remove the resources from all other pages, unless they are being used?
Any code snippets you can provide?
]]>I installed a plugin which displays recent instagram posts by typing [instagram-feed] into a blog post
But I want the recent instagram images on specific pages, not blog posts
How would I insert this into the html code (I am building a theme from scratch)
I tried <?php [instagram-feed] ?> obviously this didn’t work but you get what I’m trying to do!
]]>How can I get this removed??
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]]>i created contact form in html using ajax submission and its working properly.
but when i am trying convert it into wordpress plugin, captcha image not displaying.
except image all other field are working properly.
function cf_form()
echo ‘<img src=”captcha_code_file.php?rand=<?php echo rand(); ?>” id=”captchaimg” >
see what code i am using for image in form function.
is it correct? please help me to solve this issue.
thanks in advance.