Is Jesus Is Lord Church Pentecostal.REGISTER NOW GET FREE 888 PESOS REWARDS! Sun, 10 Nov 2024 01:42:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Topic Tag: plug-ins | 32 32 151909983 How could one design a site inspired by Sun, 10 Nov 2024 01:42:12 +0000 I’ve fallen in love with how well the learning modules for wordpress have been designed. I am a newb with anything related to computers and have loved watching the modules. I am also getting increasingly worried about plug in bloat and don’t want my site to be overloaded with plugins. Could you kindly explain:

  1. How would you design a site similar to the site with the use of minimal (or no) plug-ins. If possible, I’d like to stick to a default wp template such as twenty twenty four. The site I have in mind is to create teaching content for non-programmers in a niche field- would like to keep it as minimalistic as possible. A sense of progression (what parts of the course are complete and how long would it take) similar to here would be awesome! Not sure if this site was made with learn dash but thought I’d ask here.
  2. Would keeping the teaching content in a structured learning environment that a learner progresses through, would it impede SEO? For instance, can the seo link directly to the 3rd link for a question I have?

Thank you.

Membership site Mon, 29 Jul 2024 18:51:00 +0000 I’m working on a site for a small non-profit, which would like the ability for people to become members through an online form, with payment processing. In this scenario, would I need both a forms plug-in (like WPForms) and a membership plug-in (Memberpress) or can I manage it with only one of the plug-ins? I’m a novice, so go easy on me.

Events Calendar not showing past certain date Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:11:06 +0000 Hello –

We have an events calendar to show which movies we’re playing. Events are added by duplicating past events and updating the day and time, but for whatever reason – events past July 7th are not showing up. Things I’ve done so far:

Checked that the tags and dates are all correct.

Deleted all past events and emptied the trash.

Deleted all cached things multiple times, including the site and the specific page.

Deleted my browser cache and checked on other browsers.

Removed and re-added the Events Calendar.

Deactivated and reactivated the plug-ins one-by-one.

Updated all of the plugins.

Updated WordPress and our theme.

Deleted and re-added the events.

Checked for JS errors in the Developer Console.

Help! I’m at a loss. No FAQs, troubleshooting lists, or forums seem to address this very specific problem.

Logo Not Showing When Header is Transparent Mon, 24 Jun 2024 18:15:45 +0000 Hi everybody!

I used a template from the Starter Templates plug-in and from the beginning, the default logo was not showing on the header. I’ve figured out this only happens when the header has transparency enabled in Astra theme settings.

Does anybody know how to fix this? I like the transparent header look but I still need the logo to appear on the header.

Thanks in advance for any help!!

– MR

Incomplete PHP update: who do I go to next? Wed, 27 Mar 2024 05:52:04 +0000 I just need someone to help me figure out what my next step is. Thanks in advance!

Right now, people visiting our website are getting the “Security Warning, etc.” even though our certificate is current. I had a warning that my php needed to be updated, so I backed up the site first, then contacted my host, who instructed me to go to my host web settings, update it to 7.4, so I did. But after several days, I’m still getting this on my wp dashboard: “Your site is running on an outdated version of PHP (7.3.33-7+0~20220929.100+debian11~1.gbpdb2e49), which does not receive security updates. It should be updated.” (I asked my host if it made sense to update to 8.0, but did not hear back.)

All the other plug ins are updated. The ones I don’t use I’ve deleted. I’ve deleted unused themes, and the theme I use is an old one, but a good one: Pilcrow. Very versatile. Very “plug and play”.

The only other thing that shows up on my WP dashboard, is that the Spectra plug in needs to be updated to version 2.12.6., but it shows a tag that says, “This update does not work with your version of PHP.”

My host also informed me: “It looks like you are using a CDN service, Stackpath, so you’ll want to let them know your IP address has changed to the following…etc.” But I didn’t see any plug in or tool relating to Stackpath on my WP dashboard, went to the Stackpath website to see if we had an account, haven’t heard back. Then I wondered if the service that helped us update our certificate last time, SSL Zen, was somehow connected to Stackpath but after several tries they haven’t gotten back to me either.

Finally, after running a site health check, it looks like I have an “outdated SQL server” with the note, “you should consider running MariaDB version 10.4 or higher” — so I will contact my host next, about that, and ask again about the PHP to 8.0.

These are the types of maintenance problems I have, but they only happen every couple of years or so. The design of the wordpress site, works perfectly fine for our small non-profit, and I can handle that, as well as updating the plug-ins, etc. But when the maintenance problems mean that the site is down for several days or a couple of weeks — by the time I go back and forth to my host (Laughing Squid), dig around endlessly in wordpress forums, try to contact other support resources that never get back to me,I’m wondering if there is an easier way, that isn’t a lot more expensive per year, because we have to watch our costs. At least so that our website isn’t giving security warning for days on end. Any suggestions?

Thanks again!

Plugin Causes Wrong Alignment on Add to Basket button Sun, 07 Jan 2024 12:37:46 +0000 Using this plugin: Products By Attributes & Variations for WooCommerce by Addify creates a problem on catalogue pages where another Add to Basket button is added but can’t be edited/customised so the alignment which is set to left by default can’t be changed as normal. Only the original one can be edited but the new left aligned one can’t be removed so would have no choice but to use new one.

As seen here:

Can anyone help with this?

Thanks so much ??

woocommerce order not automatically going to bookvault Sat, 02 Dec 2023 20:30:47 +0000 My book is linked from woocommerce to bookvault, but when I placed a test order with my credit card, the order did not automatically go to Bookvault website. I had to click on “Send order to Bookvault”. When it goes to Bookvault, it was listed as Draft order when I had enough funds to cover the printing and shipping costs. Please help!

What Plugin is used on this website? Mon, 02 Oct 2023 13:42:22 +0000 Hello, I’m adding price variations to the products on my website and would like a very easy way for customers to choose which quantity they want.

This is what I have on my website now:

I’d like to have this:

Similar to what this website has:

I’d like for the customers to be able to choose which quantity pack they want on the catalogue pages as they are scrolling as well as obviously on each of the product pages themselves.

Is there a plugin anyone can recommend for this?

Bulk activating numerous plugins from iOS Caused Fatal Error; Site won’t load Thu, 21 Sep 2023 05:59:20 +0000 I was trying to install and activate numerous plugins while editing my site on my iPhone. I selected 7-10 of the plugins I had just installed, scrolled down to “bulk actions” and selected Activate. After the page buffered for a few moments, I was met with an error message that said something critical has happened to this website and to contact support. Here are the logs from my WordPress App:

2023-09-20 14:18:14:583 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-20 14:18:14:655 WPAnalytics session started
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 ===========================================================================
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 Launching WordPress for iOS 23.1 (
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 Crash count: 0
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 Debug mode:  Production
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 Extra debug: YES
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 Device model: iPad Air 4th-gen (WiFi) (iPad13,1)
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 OS:        iPadOS, 17.0
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 Language:  en-US
2023-09-20 14:18:14:658 UDID:      4BBBFCD6-6656-4C13-BC02-A9E1D38F460D
2023-09-20 14:18:14:659 APN token: a8c32b9d65146ffa272376bf74ed0c726af7460818e66288af84ad3a1781e7f6
2023-09-20 14:18:14:659 Launch options: [:]
2023-09-20 14:18:14:660 account: <none>
All accounts and blogs:
No account/blogs configured on device
2023-09-20 14:18:14:660 ===========================================================================
2023-09-20 14:18:14:666 No user email to create Zendesk identity with.
2023-09-20 14:18:14:667 Zendesk Enabled: true
2023-09-20 14:18:14:667 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 wp-iphone/23.1
2023-09-20 14:18:14:746 🔵 Tracked: login_accessed <>
2023-09-20 14:18:14:764 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: UIApplicationState(rawValue: 1)
2023-09-20 14:18:14:782 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 14:18:14:831 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-20 14:18:14:853 🔵 Tracked: login_prologue_viewed <>
2023-09-20 14:18:14:855 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_step <flow: prologue, source: default, step: prologue>
2023-09-20 14:18:15:091 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 14:18:15:144 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["phase_four_blog_post":, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "phase_two_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4]
2023-09-20 14:18:15:163 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-20 14:18:30:249 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:02:32:019 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_interaction <click: login_with_site_address, flow: prologue, source: default, step: prologue>
2023-09-20 15:02:32:680 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_step <flow: login_site_address, source: default, step: start>
2023-09-20 15:02:51:617 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_interaction <click: submit, flow: login_site_address, source: default, step: start>
2023-09-20 15:02:52:635 Assume the given url is the home page and XML-RPC sits at /xmlrpc.php
2023-09-20 15:02:56:774 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_step <flow: login_site_address, source: default, step: username_password>
2023-09-20 15:03:51:872 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:03:52:514 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:03:52:515 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 69
2023-09-20 15:03:52:519 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Login View, time_in_app: 2738, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-20 15:04:18:485 BackgroundTask: executing expirationHandler for bgTask = 69
2023-09-20 15:05:04:400 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:05:04:401 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-20 15:05:04:409 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-20 15:05:04:761 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-20 15:05:04:764 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "phase_three_blog_post":, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_four_blog_post":, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "phase_two_blog_post":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0]
2023-09-20 15:05:04:912 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:05:04:979 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-20 15:06:20:854 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:21:769 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:21:789 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:23:555 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:27:143 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:28:780 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:31:557 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:32:322 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:32:322 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 84
2023-09-20 15:06:32:326 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Login View, time_in_app: 87, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-20 15:06:42:624 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:42:629 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-20 15:06:42:648 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-20 15:06:42:979 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-20 15:06:43:014 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_four_blog_post":, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "phase_two_blog_post":, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":]
2023-09-20 15:06:43:137 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:06:43:214 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-20 15:06:46:717 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_interaction <click: submit, flow: login_site_address, source: default, step: username_password>
2023-09-20 15:06:46:752 Assume the given url is the home page and XML-RPC sits at /xmlrpc.php
2023-09-20 15:06:48:602 StatsWidgets: Writing initialization data into HomeWidgetTodayData.plist
2023-09-20 15:06:48:620 StatsWidgets: Writing initialization data into HomeWidgetThisWeekData.plist
2023-09-20 15:06:48:621 StatsWidgets: Writing initialization data into HomeWidgetAllTimeData.plist
2023-09-20 15:06:48:686 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:06:48:686 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:06:48:688 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:06:48:688 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:06:48:698 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-20 15:06:48:699 🔵 Tracked: self_hosted_blog_added <>
2023-09-20 15:06:48:701 🔵 Tracked: signed_in <dotcom_user: 0>
2023-09-20 15:06:48:703 🔵 Tracked: unified_login_step <flow: login_site_address, source: default, step: success>
2023-09-20 15:06:48:773 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:06:48:773 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:06:48:780 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:06:48:780 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:06:48:806 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:06:48:806 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:06:48:807 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:06:48:807 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:06:48:834 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:06:48:886 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:06:48:936 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-20 15:06:48:941 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-20 15:06:48:963 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_overlay_displayed <phase: self_hosted, source: app_open>
2023-09-20 15:06:59:691 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_overlay_dismissed <dismissal_type: continue, phase: self_hosted, source: app_open>
2023-09-20 15:07:19:418 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_view_admin_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-20 15:07:19:474 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:07:20:112 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:07:20:112 BackgroundTask: ending existing backgroundTask for bgTask = 84
2023-09-20 15:07:20:113 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 128
2023-09-20 15:07:20:129 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 37, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-20 15:07:20:288 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:07:20:477 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:07:20:893 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:07:21:150 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:07:21:338 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:07:21:338 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:07:21:340 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:07:21:340 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:07:21:344 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:07:21:390 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:07:47:392 BackgroundTask: executing expirationHandler for bgTask = 128
2023-09-20 15:10:44:850 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:10:44:850 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-20 15:10:44:861 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-20 15:10:44:938 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:10:45:205 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-20 15:10:45:228 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "phase_four_blog_post":, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_two_blog_post":, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":]
2023-09-20 15:10:45:364 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:10:45:376 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-20 15:10:45:387 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-20 15:10:58:032 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_view_site_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-20 15:10:58:119 🔵 Tracked: webkitview_displayed <source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:32:34:035 🔵 Tracked: preview_webkitview_device_changed <option: mobile, source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:33:46:073 🔵 Tracked: preview_webkitview_device_changed <option: desktop, source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:36:52:646 🔵 Tracked: webkitview_reload_tapped <source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:41:42:431 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:41:43:195 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:41:43:197 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 167
2023-09-20 15:41:43:206 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 1858, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-20 15:42:07:285 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:42:07:290 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-20 15:42:07:316 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-20 15:42:07:616 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:42:07:711 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-20 15:42:07:715 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-20 15:42:07:801 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "phase_two_blog_post":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "phase_four_blog_post":, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4]
2023-09-20 15:42:07:805 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-20 15:42:12:071 🔵 Tracked: application_low_memory_warning <>
2023-09-20 15:42:13:687 🔵 Tracked: preview_webkitview_device_changed <option: tablet, source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:42:31:204 🔵 Tracked: preview_webkitview_device_changed <option: mobile, source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:42:44:492 🔵 Tracked: preview_webkitview_device_changed <option: desktop, source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:48:39:089 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:48:39:813 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:48:39:814 BackgroundTask: ending existing backgroundTask for bgTask = 167
2023-09-20 15:48:39:815 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 192
2023-09-20 15:48:39:846 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 392, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-20 15:48:42:277 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:48:42:278 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-20 15:48:42:286 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-20 15:48:42:599 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:48:42:648 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-20 15:48:42:651 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-20 15:48:42:778 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-20 15:48:42:779 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "phase_four_blog_post":, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "phase_two_blog_post":, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_new_users_blog_post":]
2023-09-20 15:50:51:097 🔵 Tracked: webkitview_dismissed <source: my_site_view_site>
2023-09-20 15:50:51:216 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:50:51:216 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:50:51:217 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:50:51:218 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:50:51:411 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:50:51:993 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-20 15:50:52:003 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-20 15:50:57:526 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: settings, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-20 15:50:57:554 <SiteSettingsViewController: 0x107025200> viewDidLoad
2023-09-20 15:51:07:482 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:51:07:483 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:51:07:485 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:51:07:485 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:51:07:504 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:51:08:061 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-20 15:51:08:064 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-20 15:51:10:428 🔵 Tracked: plugin_directory_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-20 15:51:11:060 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:13:540 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:51:13:540 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:15:326 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:17:636 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:51:17:636 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:34:546 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:36:990 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:51:36:990 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:51:556 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:54:001 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:51:54:001 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:55:870 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:51:58:306 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:51:58:306 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:16:292 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:18:795 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:52:18:795 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:32:524 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:35:082 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:52:35:082 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:36:807 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:38:869 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:52:38:869 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:50:236 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:52:53:002 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:52:53:002 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:53:01:554 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:53:03:713 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:53:03:713 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:53:09:790 Starting Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:53:12:253 Posted Login to, redirected to  0rest-nonce&action=confirm_admin_email&wp_lang=en_US
2023-09-20 15:53:12:253 Completed Cookie+Nonce login sequence for
2023-09-20 15:53:25:386 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-20 15:53:26:853 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-20 15:53:26:853 BackgroundTask: ending existing backgroundTask for bgTask = 192
2023-09-20 15:53:26:854 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 226
2023-09-20 15:53:26:858 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 284, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-20 15:53:26:947 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-20 15:53:26:947 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-20 15:53:26:949 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-20 15:53:26:949 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-20 15:53:26:997 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_overlay_displayed <phase: self_hosted, source: app_open>
2023-09-20 15:53:27:004 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-20 15:53:27:005 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-20 15:53:27:063 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:53:27:100 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-20 15:53:27:205 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281578460> applicationWillTerminate(_:)
2023-09-21 01:22:57:157 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-21 01:22:57:237 WPAnalytics session started
2023-09-21 01:22:57:242 ===========================================================================
2023-09-21 01:22:57:242 Launching WordPress for iOS 23.1 (
2023-09-21 01:22:57:242 Crash count: 0
2023-09-21 01:22:57:242 Debug mode:  Production
2023-09-21 01:22:57:242 Extra debug: YES
2023-09-21 01:22:57:243 Device model: iPad Air 4th-gen (WiFi) (iPad13,1)
2023-09-21 01:22:57:243 OS:        iPadOS, 17.0
2023-09-21 01:22:57:243 Language:  en-US
2023-09-21 01:22:57:243 UDID:      4BBBFCD6-6656-4C13-BC02-A9E1D38F460D
2023-09-21 01:22:57:244 APN token: a8c32b9d65146ffa272376bf74ed0c726af7460818e66288af84ad3a1781e7f6
2023-09-21 01:22:57:244 Launch options: [:]
2023-09-21 01:22:57:248 account: <none>
All accounts and blogs:
└─ <Blog Name: Captain Austin's Guide Service URL: XML-RPC: jetpack: 🚀✅ Jetpack 12.5 connected as captainaustinsguideservice with site ID 216049186 ObjectID: x-coredata://38099FB6-219B-4850-AD81-7485351DBBFC/Blog/p2>
2023-09-21 01:22:57:248 ===========================================================================
2023-09-21 01:22:57:255 Zendesk - Using Jetpack site for suggested identity.
2023-09-21 01:22:57:257 Zendesk identity created with email '[email protected]' and name 'captainaustinsguideservice'.
2023-09-21 01:22:57:257 Zendesk Enabled: true
2023-09-21 01:22:57:257 User-Agent set to: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 17_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148 wp-iphone/23.1
2023-09-21 01:22:57:305 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions state: UIApplicationState(rawValue: 1)
2023-09-21 01:22:57:404 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-21 01:22:57:405 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:22:57:406 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-21 01:22:57:406 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-21 01:22:57:409 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: posts, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: link>
2023-09-21 01:22:57:567 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-21 01:22:57:568 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:22:57:569 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-21 01:22:57:569 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-21 01:22:57:757 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:22:57:807 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "phase_two_blog_post":, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "phase_four_blog_post":, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":]
2023-09-21 01:22:57:809 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-21 01:22:57:811 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-21 01:22:57:814 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-21 01:22:57:819 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-21 01:22:57:829 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-21 01:22:57:836 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-21 01:23:05:922 🔵 Tracked: plugin_directory_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-21 01:23:30:696 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:23:30:697 Failed syncing options for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:23:31:605 Failed syncing categories for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500}
2023-09-21 01:23:31:607 Error syncing post formats ( Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:23:31:607 Failed syncing post formats for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:23:31:608 Failed checking multi-author status for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site.}
2023-09-21 01:23:32:628 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500}
2023-09-21 01:23:32:629 Failed syncing options for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500}
2023-09-21 01:23:35:404 🔵 Tracked: plugin_list_opened <type: installed>
2023-09-21 01:23:43:678 🔵 Tracked: plugin_list_opened <type: installed>
2023-09-21 01:23:53:721 Failed syncing categories for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site.}
2023-09-21 01:23:54:539 Failed checking multi-author status for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:23:54:625 Error syncing post formats ( Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:23:54:625 Failed syncing post formats for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:24:03:268 🔵 Tracked: plugin_list_opened <type: installed>
2023-09-21 01:24:12:876 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: settings, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:24:12:931 <SiteSettingsViewController: 0x10680bc00> viewDidLoad
2023-09-21 01:24:17:731 🔵 Tracked: plugin_directory_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-21 01:24:23:343 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_view_admin_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-21 01:24:23:401 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-21 01:24:24:015 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-21 01:24:24:016 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 22
2023-09-21 01:24:24:027 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 86, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-21 01:24:24:208 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:24:25:160 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-21 01:24:25:160 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:24:25:162 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-21 01:24:25:162 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-21 01:24:25:211 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_overlay_displayed <phase: self_hosted, source: app_open>
2023-09-21 01:24:25:215 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-21 01:24:25:215 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-21 01:24:25:410 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:24:25:448 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:24:25:533 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}}
2023-09-21 01:24:51:593 BackgroundTask: executing expirationHandler for bgTask = 22
2023-09-21 01:24:55:731 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site.}
2023-09-21 01:24:55:732 Failed syncing options for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site.}
2023-09-21 01:24:55:774 Failed checking multi-author status for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:24:55:774 Error syncing post formats ( Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:24:55:774 Failed syncing post formats for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:24:55:819 Failed syncing categories for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:34:30:360 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-21 01:34:30:369 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-21 01:34:30:384 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-21 01:34:30:420 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:34:30:751 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-21 01:34:30:755 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["phase_two_blog_post":, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_three_blog_post":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "phase_four_blog_post":, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7]
2023-09-21 01:34:30:860 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-21 01:34:30:960 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-21 01:34:30:963 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-21 01:34:36:545 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_view_admin_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-21 01:34:36:589 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-21 01:34:37:190 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-21 01:34:37:191 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 42
2023-09-21 01:34:37:212 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 6, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-21 01:34:37:342 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:34:38:090 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-21 01:34:38:090 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:34:38:092 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-21 01:34:38:092 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-21 01:34:38:146 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_overlay_displayed <phase: self_hosted, source: app_open>
2023-09-21 01:34:38:151 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-21 01:34:38:152 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-21 01:34:38:353 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:34:38:389 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:35:04:538 BackgroundTask: executing expirationHandler for bgTask = 42
2023-09-21 01:35:06:607 Failed syncing categories for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}}
2023-09-21 01:35:06:608 Error syncing post formats ( Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:35:06:608 Failed syncing post formats for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:35:06:695 Failed checking multi-author status for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:35:06:792 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:35:06:792 Failed syncing options for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:35:17:755 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-21 01:35:17:756 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-21 01:35:17:762 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-21 01:35:17:785 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:35:17:996 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_two_blog_post":, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":, "phase_three_blog_post":, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "phase_four_blog_post":]
2023-09-21 01:35:18:010 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-21 01:35:18:273 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-21 01:35:18:328 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-21 01:35:18:336 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
2023-09-21 01:35:29:431 🔵 Tracked: plugin_list_opened <type: popular>
2023-09-21 01:36:39:552 🔵 Tracked: plugin_list_opened <type: installed>
2023-09-21 01:36:50:843 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: settings, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:36:50:876 <SiteSettingsViewController: 0x10780f200> viewDidLoad
2023-09-21 01:37:00:780 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned.}
2023-09-21 01:37:09:889 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: posts, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:37:12:383 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: library, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:37:24:040 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: pages, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:37:24:091 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:24:092 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:24:100 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:24:102 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:24:105 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:24:108 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:24:139 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:37:33:452 Error fetching editor settings: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500))
2023-09-21 01:37:41:946 Error loading active theme: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500))
2023-09-21 01:37:41:947 Error fetching editor settings: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500))
2023-09-21 01:38:11:897 🔵 Tracked: me_tab_accessed <>
2023-09-21 01:38:15:991 🔵 Tracked: app_settings_opened <>
2023-09-21 01:38:32:653 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:38:32:654 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:38:32:657 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:38:32:657 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:38:32:712 🔵 Tracked: post_list_status_filter_changed <blog_id: 216049186, filter: Drafts, type: page>
2023-09-21 01:38:32:718 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Site Editor MVP. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:38:34:693 🔵 Tracked: post_list_pull_to_refresh_triggered <blog_id: 216049186, filter: Drafts, type: page>
2023-09-21 01:38:38:209 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: comments, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:38:38:264 🔵 Tracked: comment_filter_changed <selected_filter: All>
2023-09-21 01:38:38:312 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:38:40:668 🔵 Tracked: site_menu_opened <blog_id: 216049186, menu_item: settings, site_type: blog, tab_source: site_menu, tap_source: row>
2023-09-21 01:38:40:698 <SiteSettingsViewController: 0x10801ca00> viewDidLoad
2023-09-21 01:38:43:898 Error fetching editor settings: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500))
2023-09-21 01:38:44:332 🔵 Tracked: plugin_directory_opened <blog_id: 216049186, site_type: blog>
2023-09-21 01:38:45:576 🔵 Tracked: plugin_list_opened <type: installed>
2023-09-21 01:38:58:648 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:39:00:181 Error loading active theme: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500))
2023-09-21 01:39:00:216 Error fetching editor settings: responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500))
2023-09-21 01:39:01:981 🔵 Tracked: support_opened <>
2023-09-21 01:40:12:395 🔵 Tracked: support_open_mobile_forum_tapped <>
2023-09-21 01:40:12:415 🔵 Tracked: support_open_mobile_forum_tapped <>
2023-09-21 01:40:12:444 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationWillResignActive(_:)
2023-09-21 01:40:13:059 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidEnterBackground(_:)
2023-09-21 01:40:13:060 BackgroundTask: beginBackgroundTask for bgTask = 89
2023-09-21 01:40:13:081 🔵 Tracked: application_closed <last_visible_screen: Blog List, time_in_app: 295, time_in_main_reader: 0, time_in_reader_filtered_list: 0, time_in_reader_post: 0>
2023-09-21 01:40:13:286 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:40:13:716 Failed syncing publicize connections for blog WordPress.SharingSyncService.Error.siteWithNoRemote
2023-09-21 01:40:13:716 🚩 Unable to resolve remote feature flag: Jetpack Social Improvements v1. Returning compile-time default.
2023-09-21 01:40:13:718 Failed updating plans: (null)
2023-09-21 01:40:13:718 Failed checking domain credit for site Error Domain=PlanService Code=0 "Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Unable to update plan prices. There is a problem with the supplied blog.}
2023-09-21 01:40:13:768 FAB: failed creating BloggingPromptsService instance.
2023-09-21 01:40:13:773 🔵 Tracked: my_site_site_menu_shown
2023-09-21 01:40:13:795 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:40:13:898 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 01:40:37:630 Error syncing blog options: Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:40:37:631 Failed syncing options for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:40:37:687 Failed checking multi-author status for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:40:38:589 Error syncing post formats ( Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:40:38:590 Failed syncing post formats for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:40:38:724 Failed syncing categories for blog Error Domain=WordPressKit.WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiError Code=0 "An HTTP error code 500 was returned." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=An HTTP error code 500 was returned., NSLocalizedFailure=There was a problem communicating with the site., WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyData={length = 0, bytes = 0x}, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyStatusCode=500, WordPressOrgXMLRPCApiErrorKeyDataString=}
2023-09-21 01:40:39:997 BackgroundTask: executing expirationHandler for bgTask = 89
2023-09-21 02:00:17:159 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationWillEnterForeground(_:)
2023-09-21 02:00:17:171 🚩 Updating Remote Feature Flags with Device ID: 31C52C2A-36F2-4DE7-8C54-51D176E8563E
2023-09-21 02:00:17:185 📜 Resumed encrypted log upload queue due to app entering foreground
2023-09-21 02:00:17:215 🔵 Tracked: remove_feature_card_displayed <phase: self_hosted>
2023-09-21 02:00:17:551 🚩 Successfully updated local feature flags: [WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "blaze_manage_campaigns", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "contact_support_chatbot", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_activity_log", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_domain", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_free_to_paid_plans", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_card_pages", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "dashboard_personalization", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "feature-flags-enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "google_signin_without_sdk", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_powered_bottom_sheet_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jetpack_shared_login_remote_field", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_four", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_new_users", value: false), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_one", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_self_hosted", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_static_posters", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_three", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "jp_removal_two", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "manage_categories", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "mp4_composer_video_optimization_enabled", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "my_site_dashboard_todays_stats_card", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "prevent_duplicate_notifs_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "qrcode_auth_flow_remote_field", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_blaze", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_hardcoded_plan_upgrade_details_milestone_1_are_accurate", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_after_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_1d_before_free_trial_expires", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_nudge_free_trial_after_1d", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "woo_notification_store_creation_ready", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_ios_unified_login_and_signup", value: true), WordPressKit.FeatureFlag(title: "wordpress_support_forum_remote_field", value: true)]
2023-09-21 02:00:17:569 🚩 Successfully updated remote config values: ["wp_android_performance_monitoring_sample_rate": 0.0, "blaze_completed_step_hash": step-5, "phase_three_blog_post":, "phase_four_overlay_frequency_in_days": 7, "open_web_links_with_jetpack_flow_frequency": 0, "phase_four_blog_post":, "blaze_non_dismissable_hash": step-4, "phase_two_blog_post":, "phase_new_users_blog_post":, "codeable_get_free_estimate_url":, "phase_self_hosted_blog_post":]
2023-09-21 02:00:17:659 <WordPress.WordPressAppDelegate: 0x281c002a0> applicationDidBecomeActive(_:)
2023-09-21 02:00:17:716 checkAppleIDCredentialState: No Apple ID found.
2023-09-21 02:00:17:724 🔵 Tracked: application_opened <>
Exceeding Memory Size Tue, 19 Sep 2023 12:38:43 +0000 I am tring to debug not being able to log in to WordPress desktop. It is loading the plug ins that gives the problem. I can only load 6 plug ins, the error arises trying to load the 7th (regardless of which plug-ins are loaded). I am getting the following error message on debug:

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2621440 bytes) in /home/networkm/public_html/text/wordpress/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 1675

The code around this is:

function _unzip_file_ziparchive( $file, $to, $needed_dirs = array() ) {
	global $wp_filesystem;

	$z = new ZipArchive();

	$zopen = $z->open( $file, ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS );

	if ( true !== $zopen ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive', __( 'Incompatible Archive.' ), array( 'ziparchive_error' => $zopen ) );

	$uncompressed_size = 0;

	for ( $i = 0; $i < $z->numFiles; $i++ ) {
		$info = $z->statIndex( $i );

		if ( ! $info ) {
			return new WP_Error( 'stat_failed_ziparchive', __( 'Could not retrieve file from archive.' ) );

		if ( str_starts_with( $info['name'], '__MACOSX/' ) ) { // Skip the OS X-created __MACOSX directory.

		// Don't extract invalid files:
		if ( 0 !== validate_file( $info['name'] ) ) {

		$uncompressed_size += $info['size'];

		$dirname = dirname( $info['name'] );

		if ( str_ends_with( $info['name'], '/' ) ) {
			// Directory.
			$needed_dirs[] = $to . untrailingslashit( $info['name'] );
		} elseif ( '.' !== $dirname ) {
			// Path to a file.
			$needed_dirs[] = $to . untrailingslashit( $dirname );

In that code line 1675 is:

if ( true !== $zopen ) { return new WP_Error( 'incompatible_archive', __( 'Incompatible Archive.' ), array( 'ziparchive_error' => $zopen ) );

I cannot see how/why I’m getting memory size exhausted. There is plenty of room on the disc. Is it a setting in Worpress?

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