Right now i have to disable this column by commenting out ‘order-rewards’ => __( ‘Rewards’, ‘wp-crowdfunding’ ), in order.php
Same issue is happening in My Invested Campaigns page. I think it has something to do with this code?wpcf_function()->price($value[‘wpneo_rewards_pladge_amount’]).
Also, pagination not working in this page. It only shows 10 latest order. I think it has something to do with this code?wpcf_function()->get_pagination.
Please fix this, thanks.
]]>I am setting up a national celebration day for UK forest schools October 12th this year. I need to find a way for volunteers/supporters to pledge that their school want to get involved and what they are going to do for the celebrations. ideally I want to be able to count the number of schools involved and what county they are in. Ideally give them an opportunity to say what school they are from with a link to their school page. I have yet to find a plugin that is for pledge? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
]]>How to add the Pledges to Campaign Page ? (see on the link below)
Do I need PayPal Adaptive Payments plugin for that ?
]]>I am looking for a pledge format donation plugin. I saw ‘SponsorMe’, but it hasn’t been updated in over two years and the plugin web link is invalid. That is almost what I am looking for.
You know how people pledge money per mile for a walk-a-thon or marathon type event? That is what I am looking for. Money won’t be collected until the day of the event and, what they actually pay won’t be determined until that day either. The total due will be based on the miles actually walked by that person. So, if they pledge $10 per mile and the person runs 10 miles, they owe $100. But, if they only run 4 miles, then $40. Very easy concept.
I would prefer not go through an outside crowd funding service and be able to set up my own merchant API along with PayPal, etc. But, for now, I just need away for people to sign up to sponsor a person in an event and pledge an amount. The option should exist to pledge a total amount, if so desired. As well as, the option to donate now would be great. too.
Trying to build something like this is little above my skill level. I can plan it, design the flow and the look, but writing the code, that’s a little different. Any takers?
Thanks for your time and thought into this!! Have a good one!!
Lisa Rose