I’m very glad to present you my VERY FIRST Games Arcade Website ( Cool Games )
I have never developed a website before, and this was my first one!
Can I hear your opinion about it. And can you tell me where I should fix an errors if I have ones.. And Can you tell me if my website is SEO Optimized?
Here is my arcade website www.Play-Us.com
Best Regards,
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I’m a Arcade Games Website Owner, and I want to put all of my Games to my Facebook Page..
How can i do this ?
My website is WordPress..
I want every new Article(every new game) that I publish to be automatically published at my Facebook Page..
How can I do this?
Best Regards,
[sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]
In my Arcade wordpress website I’m looking for a PLUGIN, that can give users points when they play my games..
Something like this ( https://img23.imageshack.us/img23/2044/thesidebaringreen.jpg ) <– See the picture
This picture has been taken from a NON wordpress theme..
It is just to get a better idea what i mean..
I want to create a WIDGET on my Games Website, and give points to users who register to my website..
I want user to receive 1 point from playing 1 of my games..
Is there such a plugin for wordpress?
Best Regards,
[sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]
https://play-us.com This is my website.
In the Index page you can see my 2 Footers
2010 ? Play-Us Free Online Flash Arcade Games, Adventure Games, Play Us Games, Featured Games, Action Games, BRAIN GAMES, Strategy Games, Kids Games, Mochimedia Games, and many more other Games. Designed by Parking Games in collaboration with Bakugan Games, Ben 10 Games Online and CarGames77
First Footer
All rights Reserved!
Play-Us.com has been created by Simeon Tonev
Android Applications | About Us
Second Footer
.. Well since my FIRST footer is Crypted, i cannot change it..
Ok.. I will not change it. I respect the copyrights..
But.. I want to make my Own Footer.. Can someone tell me how to do it ?
The second Footer is VISIBLE only to the INDEX PAGE.. If you click on some of the games or some of the pages, you will not see it anymore..
Can you please help me ?
Best Regards,
I have created a website… https://play-us.com .. And I have a BIG problem with it..
When you open my website with Mozilla/Opera/Chrome it works PERFECTLY, but when you open it with Internet Explorer it got Messed UP.. And everything is BUGGY AND CRAPPY..
Please tell me how to fix it.. what to do to make it works
Best Regards,