After updating the theme to the 4.4 version as well as some plugins my blog suddenly stopped working appearing this ADVICE pointing to the template I am using (PLATFORM):
Warning: require_once(/homepages/3/d384203759/htdocs/blog/wp-content/themes/platform/includes/core.init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/3/d384203759/htdocs/blog/wp-content/themes/platform/functions.php on line 12
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/homepages/3/d384203759/htdocs/blog/wp-content/themes/platform/includes/core.init.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php5.5′) in /homepages/3/d384203759/htdocs/blog/wp-content/themes/platform/functions.php on line 12
Can you please help my to solve this problem?
Best regards,
]]>I have an iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro, all running the latest iOS or OS X. (The MacBook Pro is running OS X 10.10.5.)
My WordPress site is:
WHAT WORKS: The sharing buttons DO appear below each post on my iPad and iPhone, as they are supposed to, and they function properly.
1. The Sharing Buttons section (Settings > Sharing) on my iPad DOES show my button selection and arrangement, but it’s frozen; I can’t drag and drop anything.
2.The sharing buttons DO NOT appear below each post, or anywhere else on my site, when viewed on my MacBook Pro. Nor does my button selection appear in the sharing section (Settings > Sharing). In fact, the latter section seems completely broken when viewed on the MacBook.
ADDITIONAL INFO: In my WP editor, sharing-button permission (Sharing > Show sharing buttons) is checked off. If I uncheck it, the buttons disappear from my two iOS devices. If I recheck it, they reappear. I use the WP editor on my MacBook Pro.
I’ll be grateful for any suggestions.
Ron Cohen
I have an iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro, all running the latest iOS or OS X. (The MacBook Pro is running OS X 10.10.5.)
My WordPress site is:
WHAT WORKS: The sharing buttons DO appear below each post on my iPad and iPhone, as they are supposed to, and they function properly.
1. The Sharing Buttons section (Settings > Sharing) on my iPad DOES show my button selection and arrangement, but it’s frozen; I can’t drag and drop anything.
2.The sharing buttons DO NOT appear below each post, or anywhere else on my site, when viewed on my MacBook Pro. Nor does my button selection appear in the sharing section (Settings > Sharing). In fact, the latter section seems completely broken when viewed on the MacBook.
ADDITIONAL INFO: In my WP editor, sharing-button permission (Sharing > Show sharing buttons) is checked off. If I uncheck it, the buttons disappear from my two iOS devices. If I recheck it, they reappear. I use the WP editor on my MacBook Pro.
I’ll be grateful for any suggestions.
Ron Cohen
Is there one?
Thanks very much for your help with this.
[ 1,084 lines of code moderated, that’s just way too much. For that many lines of code please use instead. ]
]]>I installed the Platform theme of PageLines and installed the Buddypress plugin as well. Now, if I go to the pages of Buddypress on my website, the Sidebar is pushed down. It’s being showed underneath the content of Buddypress. Check for example and you’ll know what I mean.
How can I fix this?
Please let me know if you need more details.
This file controls the sidebar wrap template; which depending on the mode container one or both sidebars from layout.
(It is used by BuddyPress as well and should play nice with child themes.)
This theme copyright (C) 2008-2010 PageLines
pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_before_sidebar_wrap'); // hook
global $pagelines_layout;
if($pagelines_layout->layout_mode != 'fullwidth'):?>
<div id="sidebar-wrap" class="fix">
if(pagelines_option('sidebar_wrap_widgets') == 'top' || !pagelines_option('sidebar_wrap_widgets')){
pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar_wrap', 'sidebar_wrap'); // hook
if($pagelines_layout->layout_mode != 'two-sidebar-center'):?>
<div id="sidebar1" class="scolumn fix" >
<img src="" width="153" height="84" alt="GAIA" border=0 />
<div class="scolumn-pad">
<?php pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar1', 'sidebar1'); // hook ?>
<?php endif;
if($pagelines_layout->num_columns == 3): ?>
<div id="sidebar2" class="scolumn fix">
<img src="" width="227" height="67" alt="GAIABLOG" border=0 />
<div class="scolumn-pad">
<?php pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar2', 'sidebar2'); // hook ?>
<?php endif;
if(pagelines_option('sidebar_wrap_widgets') == 'bottom'){
pagelines_template_area('pagelines_sidebar_wrap', 'sidebar_wrap'); // hook
pagelines_register_hook('pagelines_after_sidebar_wrap'); // hook