But i’m missing badly the feature to import all the millions of terms/ tags -and yes – the ratings! Are there any plans for that?
]]>you can see the live theme: [link removed]
Price : $49
All great artist are heartily invited to have this theme.
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for my photoblog I’m looking for a WordPress template with the structure of this PixelPost template. Not so much the colors, fonts or whatever, but the lay-out/structure.
I’ve seen a lot of photoblog templates, but none do just what I want and I sadly am not capable enough to produce it myself.
Has anybody ever seen it around?
]]>I’m looking for a WP theme for a photoblog in the style of the old Pixelpost CMS (one photo a day). All the ones I’ve found so far (not many) either are outdated or are a bit ugly design-wise. Any help pointing me in the right direction is appreciated.
]]>I have recently converted a PixelPost-based photoblog to WP3.0, to take advantage of the WP functionalities.
However, I cannot seem to create a seemingly easy 301 rewrite to divert all old traffic, not sure if I made mistakes of that the internal rewrite rules of WP block this?
I searched, but none of the similar threads on the forum have ever been answered.
How would I rewrite from :
the xx is the variable page ID/number which is the same for both the old as well as the new system.
Any help is much appreciated!
Many thanks, Bike
This is quite a huge topic with a lot of questions from me, so to begin with I’ll try to reign in my confusion and keep it simple
I have 3 sites that run 3 different ‘systems’ and I want to try and consolidate them all into one umbrella site and all running WordPress in one form or another.
The sites are:
1) myglasseye.net – this is my photoblog and it currently runs off Pixelpost. I like Pixelpost and I like the way the site currently looks but I was thinking that to be able to achieve what I need I’ll have to consolidate everything to WP.
2) myglasseye.net/news – this is my news blog where I post occasional articles about photography stuff or whatever. This has always been WordPress and I’m currently trying to make Modularity by Graphpaperpress do what I want it to there. Getting there slowly.
3) owenbillcliffe.co.uk – this is my portfolio site which runs a Flash slideshow with Slideshowpro and the SSP Director software for content management. Again, I’m happy with the way that’s all looking as well but I want to move away from Flash ultimately.
The Big Idea:
a) Make ‘myglasseye.net’ the hub, off of which both the photoblog and news blog is accessible – it should run Modularity and be able to show both featured news posts from the news blog as well as some way of presenting recent images from the photoblog, and then link to my portfolio presentations from the menu bar.
b) move the photoblog to myglasseye.net/photoblog, take it off Pixelpost and run it in WordPress but ideally look very similar, particularly everything that appears beneath the image, including the dropdown info/comments section. I saw a theme that claims to copy TheWorldIn35mm but in my opinion it doesn’t look the same.
c) recreate my portfolio slideshows in non-Flash and somehow incorporate them into WordPress as well so that everything is easier to manage. This is less of an pressing issue. Much more concerned with merging the photoblog and regular blog
Big questions:
1)If the photoblog is moved to sit in a sub-folder (myglasseye.net/photoblog) and runs from WordPress, do I need two WP installations, one in each folder, to be able to have both the hub&news blog and the photoblog running WP?
2) if so is it even possible to have the hub access and reference the contents of the photoblog using category tags so that Modularity can display photoblog images in a slideshow or whatever, as the WP installations presumably would be independant of each other? Therefore the category tag trick wouldn’t work, no?
]]>It would just sit and infinitely load, so I deleted the pixelpost plug in and it still wouldn’t load.
Since then it has changed to a 500 internal server error.
I have replaced the database with a backup but still no dice. Have also blanked out the table thing that lists the plugins and it didn’t fix anything.
Have renamed themes folder and have also renamed plugins folder.
Thanks in advance for any help
]]>Help would be appreciated…VERY APPRECIATED!? Anyone who has a bit of experience and mercy for me please hear my cries! haha… thanks.
Original Post on this topic:
And don′t lose my old archives and my comments.
Can Anybody help me?
Best Regards