Is there a way to filter a pivot table to show only one set of results? I cannot see any documentation in the Google Language Reference link. I have a database with information on schools and the number of students for each school by country. Using the query I can produce a pivot that sums the students by country with the school name as the column header, but I want to filter to show only one particular school per post.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I’m using pivot theme and leaving the default values set, especially Enqueue Lightbox script, there is a problem: under the footer menu appears a lightboxOverlay division with prev and next buttons, without other things , waiting something that I don’t know.
If I unset Enqueue Lightbox script the problem disappear.
WP Embed Facebook require some other plugins?
Link with problem:
Theme: Pivot
]]>My Website Link:
Example Page of Pivot:
I badly want this solved. Anyone?
]]>Also how can I get rid of extra white spaces in the website? To make it look more professional.
]]>The thing is: I haven’t been able to set up MMM properly on one of my pages.
I use it for this one:
As you can see, everything is working just fine in Portuguese (the menu I’m talking about is the one right below the Hero picture).
In English, however, the menu doesn’t show up:
The shortcode just doesn’t work. I’m using a theme called Pivot (here), which uses something called Ebor Page Builder to make it quicker to build pages (it’s actually great). It works just fine in Portuguese, but, by looking at the resulting CSS, it seems like the shortcode I’m trying to use for the English version is not working:
<!-- menu not found [maxmegamenu location=max_mega_menu_1___en] -->
And whenever I try to delete the English menu or change its parameters (e.g. the shortcode), it creates another one! It looks like this on the Control Panel.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
]]>But I all my categories hyperlinks to pivot around another category. e.g.
When I click category 6, results i want from category 6 and category 7.,7
When I click category 2, results i want from category 6 and category 7.,7
How do i achieve this? how to pivot a category?
I would like to have ability to change the value of pivot category.
]]>Please help Two servers move pivot blog to WP 2.33 Please help.
]]>I’ve been using Pivot for my blog since 2004, and just the other day, my site pretty much crashed… long story as to how that happened, but I didn’t have a chance to use the RSS method for importing my old posts. I have an older backup of the blog, so I do have the archives, but I don’t know any good way to re-upload all the posts.
Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
]]>I love Pivot, but WordPress has been tempting me to some degree. So, to check which worked better for my needs, I delved into WordPress, modifying templates, using plugins, and even writing a few plugins of my own. Luckily, there was a pivot to wp import script that was 90% done, so a little tweaking and I could copy my pivot-files into a MySQL database. Total time I spent? Like 6 hours, but I also learned a lot more PHP along the way.
The end result
My blog (pivot-based) at and my test WordPress blog at look and act basically identical.
From there, I’ve been able to actually see the changes and compare the pages.
My observations?
In WordPess’s Favor
Pivot is currently winning, though.
In Pivot’s Favor
What I wish Pivot would learn from WordPress
What WordPress could learn from Pivot
I’d love feedback from anyone about what you think. Am I on target with these observations? Am I misreading the capabilities of the various programs?
If anyone is especially curious about my process, I’d be happy to post the templates I used to modify WP, the plugins I modified and wrote, and the derivative of the script at MakeYouGoHmm that I used (I modified it to fix a little error and to insert the wordpress “more” template tag between intro and body of imported Pivot entries).